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NATS - Flight Planning
Final words before crash
The final conversation between a pilot disorientated in cloud and   ATC before he crashed and was killed has been released by accident investigators.
EASA certification for AT-3
The Polish designed and built Aero AT-3 R100 has received its EASA Type Certification.
High for Ultimate pair
Two instructors from Ultimate High took part in the World Aerobatic Grand Prix at the Al Ain air base.
Seaplane flying under threat
Seaplane flying on the lochs of Scotland is under threat. Support of UK pilots is urgently required.
Shoreham Airport for sale
A private sector owner or partner is being sought by the two local councils that own Shoreham Airport.

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7/2 CAA Safety Evening, Isle of Man
  01624 821604 , Isle of Man
8/2 IPEC & LARA 2005
  Novotel, London
8/2 Lecture: Glider crashes
  Boscombe Down
8/2 Lecture: Avro Type G Replica
  Manchester Museum of Science and Industry
9/2 Lecture: 100 Years of Submarines
  Beverley, Yorks.
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Local Weather Reports
Wake turbulence
The 'How air-brained are you?' quiz in the September 2004 edition of Pilot contained an error which we'd like to correct. The CAA has provided a correction.
Glacier landings
The shape, size and texture of this runway are constantly changing!
Australia on Fire
Smell and taste the fire as a fleet of choppers fight ‘a war without guns’.
Agreements for owner's groups
Aircraft owners' groups should plan for the unexpected, advises lawyer and pilot, Stephen Spence.
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Van's RV-9A
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