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Satellite Internet

If you are looking for fast Internet performance, you may want to consider broadband satellite Internet access. You will no longer need a dial-up modem and telephone line and will enjoy download sppeds of up to 50 times faster. DIRECWAY Satellite Internet is the new high-speed Internet solution that's available to everyone in the continental United States with a clear view of the southern sky.

You may now get DIRECTV & DIRECWAY satellite Internet via the DIRECWAY 6000 System, with only 1 dish.

DIRECWAY Satellite Internet is compatable with both Windows and Mac operating systems.

DIRECWAY is the new satellite Internet brought to you by the providers of DIRECTV. It is for everyone who is ready for high-speed Internet access. DIRECWAY satellite technology makes high-speed Internet available to everyone in the 48 contiguous states and Puerto Rico, as long as you have a clear view of the southern sky.

View Satellite Internet Packages - Order Today!

Directtv Cities

Directv Cities

Dish Network


DirecWay, a satellite receiver and transmitter service that sends Internet signals both ways...