One of the main reasons snowboarding has become so popular over recent years is that men like to stand in pubs and say they've just been snowboarding whenever a fit women is within ear shot.
Unfortunately, whilst boasting about "gnarly half pipes" (or whatever the current buzzwords are) is relatively painless, actual snowboarding, like in reality, on real snow, down really big hills, can be a bit dodgier. Finding time for lessons in between paying extortionate amounts for a pint and posing in your new gear requires time management skills beyond the traditional get up, get drunk, hunt women schedule that many British male holidaymakers adopt.
Those men that actually make it to the top of a mountain in their latest Quiksilver gear and Oakleys may look the part, but it soon dawns on them that snowboarding may be a bit trickier than first thought. When the last boarding experience you had was performed on a skateboard bought from Toys R Us, it soon becomes apparent that this may get painful.
Hurtling down a mountain, out of control, it's normally at the split second before you hit a tree, or one of those annoying skiers, that one word pops into your head. No, not that. Well, yes that, but also another.INSURANCE. There I've said it, I'm not proud of it, but there it is. At one stage on your ski holiday you will suddenly think, oh, I forgot the insurance! Sad, but true.
I don't want to say the 'i' word too much but it's more than likely you'll need it. (Especially as an air ambulance costs £20,000 and hospital treatment abroad can be really expensive.) Insurance is not hard to get, and it won't take much time out of the beer/women schedule. You can now get insurance from the airport just before you leave. Insure & Go provide comprehensive last minute insurance in the form of Scratch & Go cards (like mobile top up vouchers) available from Travellex airport stores, so you can buy cover along with your fags and copy of FHM. So take a couple of minutes out of your holiday, get travel insurance, and crash into that tree with style, confidence and piece of mind that your body may hurt, but your wallet won't.
About Insure & Go
- Insure & Go will reimburse travellers, up to the maximum limit specified in its Schedule of Cover for:
- Additional travel and accommodation expenses necessary to continue the holiday
- Relocation costs, if forced to as a result of a natural catastrophe including floods, storms, fire, lightening, explosion, earthquake, tempest, hurricane or major outbreak of infectious disease
- 'Kids go free' on all policies. Up to three children receive complete cover when travelling with one parent.Insure & Go policies can be sold to anyone up to the age of 69.
- A 24 hour help line is available to assist with any legal advice or medical assistance required.
About Scratch & Go
- Scratch & Go cards can be instantly activated via the Insure & Go phone lines, web site or with a WAP phone.
- Scratch & Go cards are available with eight levels of cover, ranging from 10 days European cover for one adult to annual worldwide family cover including wintersports.
- Scratch & Go cards offer competitive prices with some policies representing a saving of more than 50% on policies bought from high street travel agents.
- Scratch & Go cards are sold at WH Smiths' airport and railway stores, they come complete with easy to follow information advising travellers which policy is best for them and what is and what is not covered.