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The Worlds one stop solution to America - complete USA immigration and H1b Visa Jobs, H1B h1b Visa h1b jobs h1b visa jobs h1b sponsor h1b employers h-1b h-1b visa h1-b h1-b visa Green Card green card information green card lottery dv lottery green card process green card application H-1B Visa USA work permit US work permit b1 visa b2 visa k3 visa k visa fiance visa usa fiance visa us fiance visa USA students study in america F1 visa f1 graduates h1b graduate jobs international students mba jobs foreign nationals international students study in USA h1 visa job h 1b employment h 1b employers h 1b jobs  h 1b visa information h1 visa h1b visa h1b visa process green card info american green card US green card USA green card move to america moving to the usa relocation services relocate american citizenship US citizenship USA citizenship American immigration US immigration USA immigration immigration information immigration procedure immigration news immigration attorney immigration lawyer immigrant foreign national INS travel to USA social security number USA driving license H1B h1b Visa h1b jobs h1b visa jobs h1b sponsor h1b employers h-1b h-1b visa h1-b h1-b visa Green Card green card information green card lottery dv lottery green card process green card application H-1B Visa USA work permit US work permit b1 visa b2 visa k3 visa k visa fiance visa usa fiance visa us fiance visa marriage visa USA students study in america F1 visa f1 graduates h1b graduate jobs international students mba jobs foreign nationals study in USA h1 visa job h 1b employment h 1b employers h 1b jobs h 1b visa information h1 visa h1b visa h1b visa process green card info american green card US green card USA green card move to america moving to the usa relocation services relocate american citizenship US citizenship USA citizenship American immigration US immigration USA immigration immigration information immigration procedure immigration news immigration attorney immigration lawyer immigrant foreign national INS travel to USA social security number USA driving license h1base011119 h1base030314 The Worlds one stop solution to America - complete USA immigration and H1b Visa Jobs, H1B h1b Visa h1b jobs h1b visa jobs h1b sponsor h1b employers h-1b h-1b visa h1-b h1-b visa Green Card green card information green card lottery dv lottery green card process green card application H-1B Visa USA work permit US work permit b1 visa b2 visa k3 visa k visa fiance visa usa fiance visa us fiance visa USA students study in america F1 visa f1 graduates h1b graduate jobs international students mba jobs foreign nationals international students study in USA h1 visa job h 1b employment h 1b employers h 1b jobs h 1b visa information h1 visa h1b visa h1b visa process green card info american green card US green card USA green card move to america moving to the usa relocation services relocate american citizenship US citizenship USA citizenship American immigration US immigration USA immigration immigration information immigration procedure immigration news immigration attorney immigration lawyer immigrant foreign national INS travel to USA social security number USA driving license What is an H-1B visa? The H-1B visa permits US employers to hire foreign professionals for a specified period of time. The h 1b visa program is the primary method for bringing in professional level foreign employees to the USA. This program allows workers in specialty occupations to work in the US for up to a total of six years. One of the things that makes the h1 visa so desirable is that, unlike many other nonimmigrant visa categories, it is a "dual intent" visa. This means that a visa will not be denied simply because a person has intentions to become a permanent resident. Another advantage to the h1b visa category is that the employer does not need to demonstrate that there is a shortage of qualified US workers and, consequently, a labor certification process can be avoided. Aside from documenting that the position offered is in a specialty occupation and that the employee has the appropriate credentials for the job, the employer need only verify that the H-1B worker is being paid the prevailing wage for the work being performed and that employment of a foreign worker is not harming conditions for US workers. The Worlds one stop solution to America - complete USA immigration and H1b Visa Jobs, H1B h1b Visa h1b jobs h1b visa jobs h1b sponsor h1b employers h-1b h-1b visa h1-b h1-b visa Green Card green card information green card lottery dv lottery green card process green card application H-1B Visa USA work permit US work permit b1 visa b2 visa k3 visa k visa fiance visa usa fiance visa us fiance visa USA students study in america F1 visa f1 graduates h1b graduate jobs international students mba jobs foreign nationals international students study in USA h1 visa job h 1b employment h 1b employers h 1b jobs h 1b visa information h1 visa h1b visa h1b visa process green card info american green card US green card USA green card move to america moving to the usa relocation services relocate american citizenship US citizenship USA citizenship American immigration US immigration USA immigration immigration information immigration procedure immigration news immigration attorney immigration lawyer immigrant foreign national INS travel to USA social security number USA driving license
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Everything You need is right Your fingertips!
Step 1 ~ USA Immigration Guides - Visa and Green Card
Step 2 ~ Where to find USA Jobs and H1b Visa Sponsorship
Step 3 ~ International Relocation & Moving Guides
Step 4 ~ Get the most out Your Life in the USA


USA Immigration Overview - USA Visa - Green Card - USA Citizenship
A USA visa is a permit to enter America. It classifies the visit as tourism, study, short term business or full time employment, and is normally valid for multiple visits to the USA during a specified period of time.

USA Visa - "Immigrant" Visa is for someone who intends to live and work permanently in the USA (Green Card - Lawful Permanent Residents).

USA Visa - "Nonimmigrant" Visa is for someone to come temporarily to the USA for a specific purpose. Typically on an H1B Work Visa, F1 Study Visa, J1 Training Visa, E1 Investors Visa, TN Work Visa, L1 Intra-Company Transfer Visa, K and V Fiancee Visas.

For a USA Visa overview and different types of visas for traveling to, living, studying or working in America CLICK HERE

Click on the links below for USA visa information for:
Visitors/Tourists - ~~~ Students - F1 visa ~~~ Investors - E visa ~~~ Fiance(e)/Spouses - V & K visa ~~~ Intra-Company - L1 Visa~~~ Canadians/Mexicans - TN1 Visa



H1B Visa Program: the H1B visa is the primary USA work visa / work permit for professional foreign workers, in "Speciality Occupations", who want to live and work in America.

The H1B Visa is typically used for the following professions: Computing & IT, Telecoms, HealthCare, Finance & Accounting, Teaching, Legal, Marketing & Advertising, Sales, Management and Engineering. For a full list of H1B visa Qualifying Professions - click here











H1B JOBS and H1B SPONSORS - find the top H1B Jobs and H1B sponsors quickly & easily CLICK HERE

FINDING H1B VISA JOBS and H1B VISA SPONSORS IN THE US - quickly and easily find the Top H1B Jobs and H1B employment with the best H1B Companies CLICK HERE

US IMMIGRATION - Law changes and H1B Visa Updates US IMMIGRATION and H1B Visa Updates

How To Form a US Company? Form a USA Company

H1B Visa frequently asked Questions & Answers H1B Questions
the most commonly asked questions and answers - Courtesy of the Immigration & Naturalization Bureau

H-1B Specialty Occupation Workers Statistical Reports H-1B Specialty Occupation Workers Statistical Reports


USA Green Card - Green Card holders are 'Lawful Permanent Residents' of the USA, also known as an 'Immigrants'.
Green Card is the official card issued by the US government (BCIS) to foreign nationals granting them lawful permanent residency in the US. This allows you to live and work in the United States of America. It is officially called Form I-551, the Permanent Resident Card.

The main ways for Foreign nationals to obtain a Green Card are;




Other ways to obtain a Green Card (Permanent Residency) include;
~ Business Investment
~ Fiancee
~ Adoption
~ Asylum & Refugees

Green Card 'Eligibility' requirements are not only different for each green card category listed above, they are also divided further, and based on a green card �Preference System�.

Green Card Frequently asked questions provided by the US Immigration Bureau Green Card questions



H1B Jobs in the US (usa work permit) - H1 Base is the favourite solution for foreign nationals to find H1B jobs and H1B sponsors (employment) in the USA.
H1 Base is the independent and specialist solution dedicated to matching H1B job seekers from around the World, with the top H1B visa employers and H1B sponsors in the USA - Directly! (New H1B Visa Sponsorship or H1B Transfer)

Job Seekers from around the World consistently turn to H1 Base to help them find the BEST H1B Visa Jobs with the TOP rated US Visa sponsors and US Visa employers. The companies who sponsor more H1b Visas than any other companies in the USA.

POST YOUR RESUME - connect direct with the top H1B sponsors & H1B employers
use our interactive system to build and post your H1B resume, which will be instantly available for the top H1B sponsors to view.

H1B Sponsors FIND THE TOP H1B Sponsors

up-to-date directories of the TOP H1B Visa Sponsors and and send your resume directly to the top H1B Hiring Managers, H1B Companies and H1B Recruiters. Targets the Information Technology (IT), Healthcare (nurses & doctors) and Teachers industries.

H1B Cap / Visa Quota H1B Cap / H1B Quota FY 2004 and FY 2005


US Immigration FORMS & FEES
BCIS Forms and Fees are available online
by calling 1-800-870-3676
by requesting forms by mail
For US Immigration laws and procedures click here
USA visa services and information click here


As for the ESSENTIAL SERVICES and resources you will need, we have brought them All into one convenient location. Whether you need to find USA Entertainment in your City, get a US Driving License or USA Social Security Card, use a Currency Converter , research Leasing or Buying a Car, find the right Credit Card or Bank Account , find Public or Private Schools for your children, compare Medical Insurance Plans or simply check the Local Weather .

Take full advantage of Multi-Search Travel Technology - which automatically compares and presents you with the LOWEST PRICES from All the major Airlines, Hotels or Rental Car companies. You can Save up to 65%.

There are always those who oppose the H-1B visa program, we link you to their H-1B info. However, for additional US and H1B information, H1B Resources and H1B Services we recommend the following H1B sites: USA H1B links and H1B Service Companies


You can also check out our US Immigration - visa and Green Card application forum for questions and answers H1B Visa and Green Card and USA Immigration Forum Questions and our section for USA Jobs and Sponsors USA H1B Jobs and Sponsors Questions


H1B Work Visa - Update (Jan 05)
H1B visa quota to increase by 20,000 (Nov 04)
USA needs foreign-born H1B visa workers (Nov 04)
FY 2005 H1B Visa Cap - reached on day 1 (Oct 04)
H1B Visa Fees - who pays them (Sept 04)
H1B Cap may be reached soon (Aug 04)
US visa application fee for students to increase (July 04)
Need to Renew Your Non-Immigrant USA Visa? (June 04)
H1B cap to be 'raised' for students ?? (Apr 04)
F1 Students - after OPT (Apr 04)
H1B ALERT � the rush is back on � H1B JOB SOLUTIONS (Mar 04)
US to post inspectors at foreign airports (Mar 04)
Life after the H1B Cap (Feb 04)
H1B hiring is on the increase - affects on the H1B cap (Jan 04)
US VISIT - launched (Jan 04)
JANUARY 2004 - US Immigration Headlines (Jan 04)

US Immigration - Special Registration Suspended (Dec 03)
What is a TRAVEL DOCUMENT and who needs one? (Dec 03)
SEVIS Costs - F, J and M visas - proposed $100 fee (Nov 03)
US Immigration - THE 212(D)(3) WAIVER (Oct 03)
International Students on Optional Practical Training (OPT) (Oct 03)
DHS - Middle East Offices Planned (Oct 03)
H1B Visa Cap returns to 65,000 (Sep 03)
Newly Revised BCIS Forms - from October 1st (Sep 03)
H1B Dependent Employer Attestations will Sunset (Sep 03)
H1B - No More Need To File Additional $1,000 Filing Fee (Sep 03)
'New Rules' issued for this years DV Lottery (Aug 03)
F1 Visa Graduates ~ Important Information (Aug 03)
Waivers of Inadmissibility or Removability (July 03)
How to File an H1B Visa Application (July 03)
eFiling of I-90 and I-765 - Now Available (June 03)
Filing an H-1B v's L-1 visa petition (May 03)
Changes in US Immigration Benefit Filing Fees (Mar 03)
Form N-400 Update (Mar 03)
Development of New US Citizenship Test (Mar 03)
File Shredding at the INS (Feb 03)
The 'new' INS - Dept of Homeland Security - Update (Feb 03)
INS Issues New USA Visa Filing Fees (Feb 03)
US Immigration - INS � �Special Registration� � UPDATE (Jan 03)
Form AR-11 - new INS mailing address (Dec 02)
Extension of H1B Status after 6 years - new law (Nov 02)
Post Your Labor Condition Applications (LCAs) Electronically (Oct 02)
INS H1B Quota - Latest Numbers (Sep 02)
US Immigration - All Non-citizens To Report Change of Address (Sep 02)
USA Jobs - Nursing in High Demand - New Laws Passed (Aug 02)
Changes For International Students and Exchange Visitors (Aug 02)
Results of the DV Lottery (2003) Program (July 02)
US Immigration - Proposed Entry-Exit Registration System (July 02)
INS Restructuring - Latest Update (July 02)
Tracking International Students and Exchange Visitors Online (Jun 02)
Is this the end of the J1 Waiver ? (Jun 02)
Proposed Changes for Permanent Labor Certification Applications (May 02)
Adjustment of Status 'versus' Consular Processing? (May 02)
H-1B Extensions After Six Years (May 02)

>>> For More H1B News & US Immigration Update Archives ~ click here <<<

KEEP UP TO DATE with breaking US Immigration and H1B employment news Click Here
H1B JOB CENTER find H1B Jobs and H1B sponsors Click Here

H1B JOBS in the USA - find H1B Jobs with the Top H1B Sponsors H1B JOBS in the USA


Obligations for H1b Visa Sponsors/Employers
New Laws Affect Hiring Decisions
Top 4 issues when Hiring a Foreign National

H1b Visa Holders - LAYOFFS - Issues and Advice
Jobseekers - Top Tips if you're on the bench

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The Worlds one stop solution to America - complete USA immigration and H1b Visa Jobs, H1B h1b Visa h1b jobs h1b visa jobs h1b sponsor h1b employers h-1b h-1b visa h1-b h1-b visa Green Card green card information green card lottery dv lottery green card process green card application H-1B Visa USA work permit US work permit b1 visa b2 visa k3 visa k visa fiance visa usa fiance visa us fiance visa USA students study in america F1 visa f1 graduates h1b graduate jobs international students mba jobs foreign nationals international students study in USA h1 visa job h 1b employment h 1b employers h 1b jobs  h 1b visa information h1 visa h1b visa h1b visa process green card info american green card US green card USA green card move to america moving to the usa relocation services relocate american citizenship US citizenship USA citizenship American immigration US immigration USA immigration immigration information immigration procedure immigration news immigration attorney immigration lawyer immigrant foreign national INS travel to USA social security number USA driving license H1B h1b Visa h1b jobs h1b visa jobs h1b sponsor h1b employers h-1b h-1b visa h1-b h1-b visa Green Card green card information green card lottery dv lottery green card process green card application H-1B Visa USA work permit US work permit b1 visa b2 visa k3 visa k visa fiance visa usa fiance visa us fiance visa marriage visa USA students study in america F1 visa f1 graduates h1b graduate jobs international students mba jobs foreign nationals study in USA h1 visa job h 1b employment h 1b employers h 1b jobs h 1b visa information h1 visa h1b visa h1b visa process green card info american green card US green card USA green card move to america moving to the usa relocation services relocate american citizenship US citizenship USA citizenship American immigration US immigration USA immigration immigration information immigration procedure immigration news immigration attorney immigration lawyer immigrant foreign national INS travel to USA social security number USA driving license h1base011119 h1base030314 The Worlds one stop solution to America - complete USA immigration and H1b Visa Jobs, H1B h1b Visa h1b jobs h1b visa jobs h1b sponsor h1b employers h-1b h-1b visa h1-b h1-b visa Green Card green card information green card lottery dv lottery green card process green card application H-1B Visa USA work permit US work permit b1 visa b2 visa k3 visa k visa fiance visa usa fiance visa us fiance visa USA students study in america F1 visa f1 graduates h1b graduate jobs international students mba jobs foreign nationals international students study in USA h1 visa job h 1b employment h 1b employers h 1b jobs h 1b visa information h1 visa h1b visa h1b visa process green card info american green card US green card USA green card move to america moving to the usa relocation services relocate american citizenship US citizenship USA citizenship American immigration US immigration USA immigration immigration information immigration procedure immigration news immigration attorney immigration lawyer immigrant foreign national INS travel to USA social security number USA driving license What is an H-1B visa? The H-1B visa permits US employers to hire foreign professionals for a specified period of time. The h 1b visa program is the primary method for bringing in professional level foreign employees to the USA. This program allows workers in specialty occupations to work in the US for up to a total of six years. One of the things that makes the h1 visa so desirable is that, unlike many other nonimmigrant visa categories, it is a "dual intent" visa. This means that a visa will not be denied simply because a person has intentions to become a permanent resident. Another advantage to the h1b visa category is that the employer does not need to demonstrate that there is a shortage of qualified US workers and, consequently, a labor certification process can be avoided. Aside from documenting that the position offered is in a specialty occupation and that the employee has the appropriate credentials for the job, the employer need only verify that the H-1B worker is being paid the prevailing wage for the work being performed and that employment of a foreign worker is not harming conditions for US workers. The Worlds one stop solution to America - complete USA immigration and H1b Visa Jobs, H1B h1b Visa h1b jobs h1b visa jobs h1b sponsor h1b employers h-1b h-1b visa h1-b h1-b visa Green Card green card information green card lottery dv lottery green card process green card application H-1B Visa USA work permit US work permit b1 visa b2 visa k3 visa k visa fiance visa usa fiance visa us fiance visa USA students study in america F1 visa f1 graduates h1b graduate jobs international students mba jobs foreign nationals international students study in USA h1 visa job h 1b employment h 1b employers h 1b jobs h 1b visa information h1 visa h1b visa h1b visa process green card info american green card US green card USA green card move to america moving to the usa relocation services relocate american citizenship US citizenship USA citizenship American immigration US immigration USA immigration immigration information immigration procedure immigration news immigration attorney immigration lawyer immigrant foreign national INS travel to USA social security number USA driving license