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>  Next Layout Suggestions
Posted: Dec 21 2004, 08:25 PM
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Shriker (GD)
Jodie · Executive Director
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Eh, yeah. This won't be for quite a while still. But I figured that I'd start a topic for it now.

What sort of things would you like to see in Ramath-lehi's next layout? Navigation-wise, colours, content, etc.

Anything goes. :] I'm just interested in hearing what you guys all have to say. :P
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Posted: Dec 21 2004, 10:08 PM
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Silver · Member

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I like the colour teal... I like the colour teal a lot.

Otherwise, I don't have any suggestions, only preference. Because this layout be pretty damn spiffy, and I am rather le crap at layout design. I'll leave that to the professionals (aka you).
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Posted: Dec 21 2004, 10:44 PM
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Junsui (GD)
Kathleen · Director
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Maybe the main links on the right hand side? And I like how it is now: space saving, so it has links on the left, and then the forum jargon. So for the next layout, move the links to the right and leave the forum as is?

Or perhaps angled color blurbs. (lol!) Top right corner of the browser and bottom left corner. Fades. Ooooo.

Pwease keep forum writing area black. *nods muy rapido* Lurv black. Makes it easy on t3h eyes, it doessssss, preciousssss... *ahem* ... I blame sugar. o_o'

Ummm... I like greeeeen. ^^' I'd also suggest orange. Perhaps greyscale with selected bits in color? hmm...

Nothing else can I think of, tonight. Just rented Chronicals of Riddick and am in seventh HEAVEN, yeah baby. (I love a man that can kick ass like nobody's business. Even a fictional one. ^_~ )

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Posted: Dec 22 2004, 12:37 AM
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Shriker (GD)
Jodie · Executive Director
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*hugs Silv'* Your layouts don't suck. And I like teal as well. :]

I think my one main problem with this layout is that it just isn't practical, and there's a lot of wasted space that I could have put to use.

Hm. I could move the links over to the right side, but I'm not sure how well that'll go over. I've got lots of test pages to make. :P I'm not sure if I'm going to be leaving the background black either. I might lighten it up, and I might not. :] Still considering a lot of things I guess.
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Posted: Dec 22 2004, 07:33 AM
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Rika · Member
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I agree with what Zeva said *nods*
Black, black and more black hehe. Black and green :)

I think I like black too much, but what can I say, I was a fan of the "skull" layout :ph34r:

But if you do decide to lighten it up, can there nevertheless be some green or/and teal in the layout? Maybe something spring-ish.

And the greyscale with some colour idea is brilliant methinks.

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Posted: Dec 22 2004, 09:00 AM
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Joe · Member
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Erm... Well since the layout is black now, why not change it to white? I kinda like white and blue and teal.... I like black too, but I'm seeing black a little too much! lol :P
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Posted: Dec 22 2004, 09:29 AM
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Colors, ect I'll leave to other people.
But my one suggestion is less image intensive. Not only will it save you bandwidth, but it'll make the page load a bit faster.
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Posted: Dec 22 2004, 09:33 AM
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Silith (GM)
Chupa · Game Master

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o_o black and acid greeeeen. best color combination ever.

to be truthful, I'm in love with the current layout, it's simply beautiful. I can't really find anything I would change about it, except maybe spiffing up the opening page. When you type in the url and come to the site index it can be a little overwhelming to the eyes with the large abundance of text. (this is just me speaking for the fact that my system gets overwhelmed easily @_.;; )

But I have no real ideas towards the new layout. I have crap ideas anyways.

edit: i personally like the white text on a dark background. I'd love you forever if that stayed ^^;
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Posted: Dec 22 2004, 09:48 AM
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Alexander · Member

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I love the way the site is personalized every time there is a change. It sets it apart from any other site I have seen.

As for colours.. Neutral colours are great. The way you had it just before this layout was incredible. The plain white and right at the top; the eye catching blues. Yep. As well as the Zamfir and Karryasa sketch - priceless. The links are good too. The only problem I have with this one in terms of appearance is the side. Those pictures seem a little too random and don't inkeep with what you had before. But that's me.

Maybe you could have a snowy white border fading to a neutral teal or easy-on-the-eyes blue. The forums could stay black; plain black? Maybe you could have (I don't know how difficult this would be) some of the alphabet behind the page so it's not tedious. I don't know about that. In my opinion all black is a bit bleh. You could have the border of the forum chats green - again nothing in-your-face.

I have a few more ideas; I'll stay safe and be quiet for a moment to see what you think.
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Posted: Dec 22 2004, 11:33 AM
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Alex · Member
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I have no suggestions at all.. what if you think they are good and then you choose them and then they turn out all wrong???? I CAN'T HANDLE THE PRESSURE!!! :blink: :D

You could have designs instead of pictures...ok that's confusing...I mean like have some sort of squiggly lines or chinese writing or something instead of pictures and...i can't think of anything else ...hehe *runs and hides under table*
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Posted: Dec 22 2004, 11:40 AM
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Jess · Member
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um.. same here.. not much in the creativity bag here. *looks trought the bag while people here chainsawa and yells of bloody mmurder...* OOPS! .. wrong bag.. *puts evil bag away*

um.. yaaaaaa... i like the teal/ blue/ green idea.. those colors are realy good ^^ and sadistics idea.. acid grean..DUN UDN DUNNNN!!! XD


Maybe you could have a snowy white border fading to a neutral teal or easy-on-the-eyes blue. The forums could stay black;

i lurve dumu's idea! a nice snowy feeling ^^ i think that would be pretty fulll... i vote for dumus! half of me wants to go with sadistic tho XD no one can say no to acid green on black!

anyways.. marry xmas to all.. if i dont remember to say it ^^
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Posted: Dec 22 2004, 12:00 PM
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Alex · Member
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I like Dumu's idea 2 its interesting and different from what we already have...
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Posted: Dec 22 2004, 01:48 PM
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Alexander · Member

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A tiny addition to my idea. For the background you could overlay a softly swirling kind of nebula picture with different hues of green on a black background. Maybe a faint sketch of a popular place on RaL would go nicely with the border. Or even nice versa. A place like Trilok would contrast well with the white and teal.

Heh, ideas.
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Posted: Dec 22 2004, 03:42 PM
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Shriker (GD)
Jodie · Executive Director
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wtf kat wuz here

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Great ideas so far. :) And Niasha, I wouldn't worry about things going wrong layout-wise. I go through tons of test phases before I decide to change the entire site. So if something right off the bat doesn't mesh, it either gets fixed, or scrapped.

I'd have to say that... yes. I'm am quite a fan of the layout I had before featuring the Graders. It was just the navigation system on that one that was bothersome. ^^

The next layout should be less graphic intensive. :) Like I said, there's a lot of wasted space with this current layout, and although it looks neat, it isn't practical. So that'll be toned down quite a bit.

And ST, I agree with you fully regarding the index page. There /is/ a crapload of text. Most likely for the front page, I'm going to have a three column layout. With a big-ass link that people should click on if they want to join. Maybe some more smaller pictures too. :P Then the rest of the pages would be two columns... maybe. The In Character news I'm probably going to put onto another page as well instead of showing up on the index.

Ah, also, there will be an easy link to both the forums, and the translator since they're pretty heavily hit pages on the site. Though that's always been a given for all of the layouts.

I suppose another thing I should ask is this, do you guys prefer fixed width layouts, or "liquid width" ones that stretch to fit your browser resolution? This current layout is a liquid one. See how the image up top seems to stretch the entire width of your screen? (Eee, more wasted space) Fixed width layouts are usually easier to plan out because they should look relatively the same on everyone's computer.
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Posted: Dec 22 2004, 03:47 PM
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Alexander · Member

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Liquid is good for easy viewing in my opinion. With fixed you'd have to scroll left to see what someone has written. If you have lots of things going on and want to have the site open, then liquid is a good idea I say. Depends. Personally I like liquid. Easier to view and loads less troublesome.
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