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How we can help you
It's one thing having access to high-quality weather intelligence; but it's quite another to know the weather inside out, to understand how it affects your operations, and to use these insights to do your job more effectively - whether you're a pilot, highways engineer or professional forecaster.

Our objective in training is to ensure that you can understand the weather better, and carry this knowledge through into your professional life. Delivered by meteorological experts and industry specialists, our tailored courses and workshops are designed to meet your precise needs.


The Met Office provides a range of courses. To ensure you are kept up-to-date, please register your details.

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Training courses
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Commercial training
Combining scientific excellence with hands-on experience and specialist industry knowledge - plus a proven track record in global forecasting - we offer tailored training programmes in the following areas: Agriculture, Aviation, Building and construction, Energy, Environment, Health, Insurance, Railways, Recreation and tourism, Roads, Transport, and Water industry. Some courses specifically deal with the impact of climate change on these sectors.

  Professional training
A range of courses combining sound theory and scientific know-how with practical, hands-on experience. The Met Office is one of the world's leading suppliers of environmental and weather-related services, with a solid reputation for reliable global forecasting. So who better to provide training courses and workshops for professional meteorologists?
More about forecaster training
More about vocational qualifications (NVQs/SVQs)

Weather media training
We have a proven pedigree in helping the media to bring weather information to the masses - you can learn from the experts through a range of courses designed for broadcast meteorologists and to provide forecasters with journalistic skills.
More about broadcast meteorologists
More about weather journalism

Image of man in front of computer Climate change training
Our climate change training programmes focus on the impact of climate change on specific industry sectors, including: Building and construction, Energy, Insurance, and Water. We provide individual climate change impact Customer Briefings, plus customised training courses and seminars. The courses also look at weather Risk Analyses of climate data and activity data specific to your industry or organisation. Individual Scoping Studies to determine climate change impacts on specified industries, businesses, regions and aspects of the weather.
More about climate change impacts


Courses can be held on site at your own premises, in a regional Met Office or at the Met Office College in Exeter, Devon.

The Met Office College provides easy access to excellent facilities, equipment and expert trainers, helping to promote a rapid learning curve and effective skills transfer.

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