Welcome to Chow Ka Fat's "Three-way Artificial Intelligence Mastermind" Web Page, the most feature-rich on-line version of the board game classic. (Or being another classic itself?) |
-There are billions of possible code combinations (or permutations, using the proper mathematical term). You have to take a life's (or several lives') time to break all the codes. |
-There are altogether 1,424 different game settings to suit players of different levels. |
-You may choose to be the Codebreaker or the Codemaker. You may also choose to watch the computer play with itself. (Hence the phrase "Three-Way" in the title of this homepage.)
-Equipped with Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) of this programme, the computer can break the
most difficult code using an incredibly small number of steps within seconds! (Believe it or
Due to the notorious (and disgusting) incompatibility between different browsers (or even between different versions of the same browser), I have written three versions of the Mastermind game using three script languages - ActionScript (i.e. Flash), VBScript and JavaScript. The ActionScript version has fanciful Flash and 3D animations. The VBScript version also has a lot of graphical features. But the above two versions are not supported by some browsers (especially older versions of Netscape). The JavaScript version has fewer graphical features and thus runs faster. It is supported by most browsers. Now click one of the following buttons to start the game:
N.B. If your browser does not run the ActionScript version properly, you may try to access the SWF file at http://home.pacific.net.hk/~kfzhou/Flash_Mastermind.swf directly. But please notice the following WARNING: while running the programme, DO NOT try to use the Forward or Backward functions of the Flash Player to switch to other pages. This will seriously disturb the game flow and the programme may be unable to function properly!For beginners: choose the most elementary game setting (No. of colours: 5; Start from: Trial 1; Length of code: 3; Hints contain error(s)?: No error; Order type: Fixed order; Colour repeated?: No repetition). There are only 10 possible secret codes under this setting.
For those who want challenges: choose the most difficult game setting (No. of colours: 10;
Start from: Middle; Length of code: Unspecified (3 - 8); Hints contain error(s)?: May contain
error(s); Order type: Random order; Colour repeated?: May be repeated any times). HEALTH
WARNING: Do not guess blindly. There are as many as 214,356,000 possible secret
codes under this setting!
For a detailed introduction to the Online version of my programme, some notes about the A.I.
of my programme as well as some links to other Mastermind sites, please click
You may now download the PC version of my programme with full multimedia and graphical features.
As the programmes are stored as zipped files, you will need the Winzip programme to upzip the
file. If you do not already have the Winzip programme, you may need to download one from a
suitable shareware website. There are two PC versions for you to choose. One is writtin in
Flash with ActionScript (Flash Version) and the other written in Visual Basic 5 (VB Version).
Before downloading, you may wish to read the detailed introduction to the features of these two
N.B. As I may modify the programme from time to time, the release dates of the two PC versions
are given below so that the users may know which version is the most up-to-date version.
Here are the step-by-step instructions for downloading my programme.
Since the launching of this site in September 2002, this website is gaining popularity on the web. More and more webpages have added links to this website. Click HERE to have a look at these webpages.
As I may change my ISP provider from time to time, please DO NOT bookmark this page. If you wish to bookmark my web page, please go to my Personal Homepage (shown below).