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Needs Analysis Process (NAP)

If you are just beginning your own needs analysis process, you might find it helpful to review the questions I ask people when I help them choose the best program for them.

Go to the NAP

SFA/CRM Software Locator

To try to quickly find information on a specific sales automation program, check out one of the following two pages.

Rich's Own Annotated Guide to CRM Solutions

Company Locator (Cross-Reference Sorted Alphabetically)

Platform Specific Solutions

There are many situations that might cause you to zero in on a specific "short list" of potential strategic solutions.  For example, you may require a solution that supports a specific hardware or software platform.  Or, you might work in a specific vertical market that has well defined requirements.  If so, check out the following page:

Platform Specific Solutions

Tactical Solutions

Even if you already have a good CRM solution, don't overlook the benefit of applying one (or more!) of these Tactical Solutions to your sales situation.

Go to the Tactical Solutions Listing Review Process

If you want to know just how I go about reviewing and making sense of the many programs in the CRM space, stop at this page. You will find a complete discussion of my Taxonomy of CRM Solutions, The - Software SnapShot, how I deal with Major New Version Releases, complete details of the topics covered in my In-Depth Review Process, a little discussion of my Review Status Symbols and finally, a little bit of Legal Stuff you need to know about.

Rich's In-Depth Review Process

CRM Resources

Here, I try to post answers to the general questions I get all the time, like what are the good trade shows? What are the other useful web sites? You get the idea. I'll add pages as new topics emerge.

Rich's Own CRM Resource List

CRM Glossary

Show Schedule

Snake Bite Kit

Many people in sales & marketing are on a never ending quest for the "silver bullet," the magic answer that will mean no more prospecting, lost sales, or whatever. Some of you might even think sales automation is your "silver bullet." Well, I grew up in the Vince Lombardi school of management and there ain't no silver bullet folks! If you have some fundamental problems with your sales or marketing strategies, sales automation won't make them magically disappear. Success in sales is based on doing a whole lot of little things - just right. But, I know you are all too busy to try and master all of these little things. That's why I call this section the "Snake Bite Kit." If you have ever been hiking in rattlesnake country, you probably carried a snake bite kit. You hope you never need it. But if you do, you need it bad! Treat these pages as your own sales & marketing snake bite kit. The next time you get bitten by some sales or marketing problem, perhaps you will find some instant relief here! This is also where I have included my Rich's Recommended Reading Lists and Rich's Recommended Web Sites for each topic. 

Go to the Snake Bite Kit

Many of my readers say this is their favorite part of this web site!

Rich's Recommended Reading List

Anyone who has been to my office is immediately blown away by the several walls full of sales, marketing and business books found there. Yes, I do read all of this stuff. I can't get enough of it! So, I will also share any interesting ideas that I discover in my everyday reading here in these pages, as well as my own reviews of noteworthy sales & marketing books. Where publishers and authors cooperate, I will include excerpts from the better titles. I will post my own favorite titles in each important category, just look for the heading "Rich's Recommended Reading List" on many of the pages on this web site. Finally, to make it easier for you to purchase any of these books, I have arranged a direct link to internet bookseller,, for each of the titles I recommend. Click the following banner to review my current "Must Read!" title.

Meet Rich Bohn 

O.K.  If you've made it this far, you deserve an answer to the simple question, "Who the hell is this guy?"  Click below to find out more.

More about Rich



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