Timbre - the quality of a sound related to its harmonic
structure. Timbre is what gives a voice or instrument its
sonic signature why a trumpet and a saxophone sound
different when they play the same note.
Three-way - a type of speaker system composed of three
ranges of speakers, specifically a woofer, midrange, and tweeter.
Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) - the percentage,
in relation to a pure input signal, of harmonically derived
frequencies introduced in the sound reproducing circuitry
and hi-fi equipment (including speakers).
Transient Response - the ability of a speaker to respond
to any sudden change in the signal without blurring (smearing)
the sound. A speaker that can react quickly to rapid changes
in sound has good transient response.
Treble (highs) - the upper end of the audio spectrum
reproduced by tweeters, usually 3-4kHz and up.
Tweeter - a speaker designed to reproduce the high
or treble range of the sound spectrum.
Two-way - a type of speaker system composed of two
ranges of speakers, usually a woofer and tweeter.
- Acoustic
Feedback, Ampere, Amplifier
- Baffle,
Bandwidth, Bass Reflex
- Circuit,
Clipping, Click track
- Decibel,
Distortion, Dap Capo
- Enclosure,
- Filter,
Frequency, Forte
- Ground,
Grave, Gusto
- Harmonic
Distrortion, Harmony, Hertz
- Impedence,
Interval, Imaging
- Audio
- Audio
- Low
Pass Filter, Lobing, Legato
- Mid
Range, Midbass, Mezzo Piano
- Audio
- Octave,
Ohm, Ostinato
- Peak,
Phase, Polarity
- Audio
- Rear
Fill, Resonance, Resistance
- Signal,
Sinewave, Soundman
- Timbre,
- Audio
- Voice
- Watt,
Wavelength, Woofer
- Audio
- Audio
- Audio