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    Proceedings of the NZ Society of Animal Production - Subscriptions

    The complete archive (from 1941 to date) of the Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production is now available by annual subscription ONLINE and on CD-Rom, in full text, fully indexed and searchable.

    The New Zealand Society of Animal Production is the major forum in New Zealand for the presentation of research results on farmed animals. The Society publishes an annual peer-reviewed proceedings with the content aimed at researchers, veterinarians, advisors, students and progressive farmers involved in livestock production in New Zealand. Each proceedings also includes an annual contract of invited speakers providing state-of-the-art presentations and reviews on topics of current interest.

    Some 2,200 papers spanning 64 years of research is included in this unique archive.

    Purchase now

    What is included in the subscription cost?

    The Annual Subscription Includes:

    • Online access to full text of the complete archive of articles published in the Proceedings (from 1941 onwards) in fully indexed and searchable format, for a calendar year beginning 1 January.
    • New volumes are added to SciQuest as they are published (generally in June each year).
    • The option to purchase annual access to the complete archive of the Proceedings on CD-Rom for a small additional charge.
    • The option to purchase printed copies of the annual proceedings.


    What is the subscription cost?

    Subscribers outside New Zealand and Australia, please pay in US dollars.

    NZSAP members qualify for a special subscription price and receive a printed copy of the Proceedings from NZSAP. More information NZSAP membership...
    Personal - NZSAP Member
    Personal - Non Member
          NZ$180   NZ$65    NZ$25
          AU$170   AU$65    AU$25
          US$130   US$65    US$25
    Single-Site Multi-User
          NZ$360   NZ$65    NZ$25
          AU$340   AU$65    AU$25
          US$260   US$65    US$25
    Multi-Site Multi-User (first site)
          NZ$360   NZ$65    NZ$25
          AU$340   AU$65    AU$25
          US$260   US$65    US$25
    Per Extra Site


    What subscription types are available?

     Personal (single user) subscription

    • For individual subscribers NOT businesses, organisations or institutions.
    • Must be registered to an individual NOT a business, organisation or institution.
    • May only purchase a single print copy of the Proceedings published in the year of subscription and/or a single CD-Rom set that can be installed on no more than 2 computers.

     Multi user - Single site

    • Applies to single organisations or institutions located at a single campus or site (premise).
    • There is no limit on the number of staff or students from a single-site who may use the archive at any one time.
    • Also applies to single organisations or institutions operating from multiple sites that are geographically separate but centrally administered, provided that the total number of people that can access content from that organisation or institution does not exceed 50.
    • May purchase multiple print copies of the Proceedings and one or more CD-Rom sets that can be installed on a number of computers agreed under the terms of a site license.
    • A single organisation or institution is defined as one that is governed and administered by a single centralised administration with a centrally administered library for which acquisitions are made from a single budget.

    A separate subscription is required for each single organisation or institution.

     Multi user - Multi-site Plan

    • Applies to single organisations or institutions requiring access from multiple sites that are geographically separate but centrally administered, when the total number of people that can access content from that organisation or institution exceeds 50.
    • Organisations and institutions in this category must pay a subscription for each site.
    • Provided that a full subscription is held by one site, branch sites of the same organisation or institution qualify for a 50% discount on the list price for each additional site, e.g. a three-site institution that qualifies under this plan would pay one full subscription and two half-priced subscriptions to gain electronic access for all three sites.
    • There is no limit on the number of staff or students from a subscribing organisation or institution who may access the archive online at any one time.
    • May purchase multiple print copies of the Proceedings and one or more CD-Rom sets that can be installed on a number of computers agreed under the terms of a site license.

    NB: Separate full-priced subscriptions are required for sites that do not qualify for a discount under the Multi-site plan.

    Please contact us about your requirements if you do not fit into any of these subscription categories.


    How can I access the full text?

    All articles are available to view via this SciQuest portal with print and CD-Rom options also available.

    SciQuest Benefits

    • Provides you with powerful and flexible online management options to libraries, organisations and individuals.
    • Fully indexed based on a wide spread of both general and specialist categories.
    • A viewing portal offering New Zealand specialist information, including the New Zealand Veterinary Journal and the exclusive hosting of NZVA SIB proceedings.
    • Full text, advanced searching of the entire collection, including archives.
    • Email e-lerts and user created article list trackers.
    • Minimal subscription set up for existing users.


    • The complete archive is also available for purchase on CD-Rom to subscribers only, for a small additional price.
    • The CD-Rom archive is designed to be uploaded onto computer hard drives and networks for offline use.
    • A major advantage of this offline version is superior speed and immediacy, returning search results and full text much faster than over most internet connections and without the need for internet access. This version offers extremely fast and highly specific searching of titles and/or full text of all articles for the occurrence of any word or combinations of words, as well as indexes of author, volume, year, article type, animal type and subject, and allows users to retrieve the full text of any article instantly.
    • Once installed from CD-Rom, the archive can be updated via the internet as each issue is published using a Live Update feature, and can also be updated via annual CD-Rom releases.


    How do I subscribe?

    Whether you are a new or existing customer you will find several convenient viewing and user management choices that can integrate with your existing procedures.

    Renewing or creating a new subscription is a quick and simple process:


    What are the conditions?

    The currency for payment of subscriptions is determined by the delivery address or location of the subscriber. Subscriptions are accepted for one year only and are supplied on a calendar-year basis, beginning on 1 January. Electronic access will commence following receipt and acceptance of payment by VetLearn Foundation and will not continue if payment has not been received prior to 15 February in the following year. Once access has been enabled, no refund will be given on the subscription price except as provided for in the conditions of termination set out in the Full Terms and Conditions.

     Full Terms and Conditions


    When are the issues published?

    The Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production is published annually, in June. Delivery of printed copies and CD-Roms to overseas subscribers is by airmail. Members of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production receive a printed copy of the Proceedings as a benefit of membership.


    Who can I contact for further information?

    For all enquiries, please contact:

    VetLearn Foundation
    Mail Code 413
    Massey University
    Palmerston North

    Ph:  +64 6 350 5229
    Fax:  +64 6 350 5659


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