Pay for good health today, or pay for bad health tomorrow! |
Tasty peach flavor |
D.E.C. for digestion
Green tea
Whey protein
| Choose a tasty liquid vitamin supplement with all-natural ingredients and minerals plucked from plants and the earth itself - no sugar or artificial preservatives added. |
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Nutrient analysis
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Vitamin A
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Vitamin deficiency
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Nutritional supplements - vitamins and antioxidants |
Who's looking out for your health?
Our fast paced lifestyles have prompted the food industry to produce products that satisfy consumer demand. As a result, these quick to prepare processed foods do not contain the proper nutrients to maintain good health. The fresh food part of our diet is totally eliminated and is replaced with high calorie low nutrient substitutes that promotes weight gain. Too often the consumer purchases food based on price, taste and convenience. Mass media advertising promotes the processed foods that the food industry is offering. This advertising over shadows conventional education which is grossly lacking. Today a person can go through the entire educational system and not have one class in nutrition.
Wisdom is to the mind what health is to the body. (Francois De La Rochefoucauld)
Easy access to "sickness care" (more commonly known as health care) and employer supported health insurance has promoted a mind set that the doctor is responsible for the health of the entire family.
Governmental support of public health is dictated largely by the food and medical lobby. Their agenda is for large sales and profits which most times do not line up with prevention, wellness and sensible diets.
Pay for good health today, or pay for bad health tomorrow!
Take control and responsibility for you and your family's health. The first step is to insure they get the basic nutrition through proper diet and exercise. It is almost impossible to get a daily balanced diet so the logical answer is to allocate a portion of your food budget to include nutritional supplements that supply the recommended daily minimums. This should not be looked at as an additional expense but part of your grocery list of required items.
Be sure to put top quality vitamins and antioxidants on your grocery list TODAY! Don't gamble on the most precious asset you have (your good health) and place your order today.
- Food and nutrition, a major issue everywhere.
- Protein, the most vital nutrient.
- Eat up all your vegetables!
The best way to lose weight
- Overweight: A cause or a consequence?
- Information on depression and preventive psychiatry.
- Setting goals to lose weight.
- Losing weight step by step.
- Dieting tips for your weight loss program.
- Low calorie recipes, juicy and tasty.
- A tasty, low-calorie vegetable soup.
- Calorie chart.
- Show me your progress!
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Food science
Protein foods
Plant nutrients
Vegetable history
Sports nutrition