This website is not intended for
viewers under the age of sixteen. StarArmy.com should be viewed with a screen resolution of 1024 by 768 or higher
using Opera or Internet Explorer, with frames, cookies, and JavaScript enabled.
Contents of this domain (excluding certain archived content and certain images
linking to friend sites) are ©2000-2005 Wesley Davis. By entering, you
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More Information: The Star Army of Yamatai is a fictional military organization that uses starships and mecha, with artificial beings called Nekovalkyrja (pronounced nay-ko-wol-ku-ree) to fight various enemies. The storylines in the Star Army RP (Role-Play) vary. Some are politics and romance, while others are filled with action and adventure. The social situations and intensity of the story means it is only suitable for mature individuals. Please do not enter our site if you are under eighteen or if you do not have an open mind.
Back to the Top I've been working on this for the last 2 years, or 4, if you count the website that eventually became StarArmy.com (it was a originally a character site) . It's done with a combination of hand-coding and FrontPage 2000 (and years ago, Netscape Composer). I'm slowly moving it to use CSS2. Of course all that is invisible to the surfer. I wanted to make a black-background site that was professional and easy to read, so I used a pink and a pastel blue for my color scheme, that stand out but don't hurt the eyes. The menu system is very organized, with major categories generally leading into sub-categories, then to content. Frames make the site easy to navigate, but have killed my Google page rank (sad!). The best thing about my site is that is is filled with ALL original content, that my friends and I have written and drawn from scratch. Thank you for looking! I hope you'll join us.
Back to the Top I've been running StarArmy.com
for the last 4 years as both administrator and webmaster. The site falls
into this category. I'm good with HTML and image editing. I am just
starting to learn PHP and the "new school" web design. StarArmy.com is proud to have won the following web awards: Copyright ©2004 Wesley M. Davis - Site Map |