The Wayback Machine -


Dedicated to identifying genealogical resources to assist in locating which New Zealand bound ship an immigrant ancestor was aboard.

January 1st 2005 revamped links. I have removed the duplicate nzbound in the URLs.

Passenger lists 

Where to start

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Main ports

Hint: Construct your entry off line, do spell check, then cut and paste.

Comments and feedback. Not responsible for transcription errors but corrections appreciated.  Always check the original source as the flamboyant handwriting on passenger lists can be difficulty to read and faded. Surnames were occasionally spelt incorrectly in the lists and in the newspapers. I would appreciate any feedback and suggestions you may have with New Zealand Bound. Please let me know any new passenger listings related to New Zealand you find online or create and broken links so we can keep the site up to date. Cheers, Olwyn.

NZ Bound


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Disclaimer: New Zealand Bound has no affiliation with any commercial enterprise. This site may be freely linked to, but not duplicated in any fashion, wholly or in part, without my consent, except for personal use.  © 1998 - 2005 Olwyn Whitehouse