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White Oak Planatation Lodge

White Oak Plantation Alabama trophy deer turkey quail shooting hunting Whitetail bucks

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Welcome to White Oak Plantation's Web Site!

White Oak, a full service, year round hunting, shooting and recreational resort will celebrate it's 21st year of operation in 2004. A second lodge, Red Oak Plantation, is open for hunters only five weeks during the year, from after Christmas until January 31 and provides exceptional hunting for whitetail deer. These family owned and operated lodges are lovingly furnished with antiques and personal collections that have been accumulated over the past 45 years. The family graciously shares all of these invaluable collectibles and furniture for the enjoyment of their guests.

Your complete, year round hunting, shooting,
recreational resort and corporate get-away

The Bucks are Back!
Booking Now! Call For Availability

Our web site provides only a glimpse of the White Oak experience. It will answer the most commonly asked questions. By clicking on the photo section, you will find new pictures each week. These could be current harvests, corporate get aways, bed and breakfast guests, a big bass or bream catch, a wedding or rehearsal party, sorority or fraternity events, winners from the clay shoots or birders enjoying the bird watching stations.

NEW! -- Follow these links to view results from Does and Bows VIII and Handgun Only Hunt XIII in the Special Events section.

The 14 station "state of the art" clays course is open year round and is recognized as one of the top courses in the nation. We have an NSCA Level II instructor available for lessons for the novice or experienced shooter and challenging targets and games.

Booking Now! 2004-2005 Schedule Now On-Line!

Corporate groups that need a relaxed, secluded location for a meeting or overnight get away will enjoy the solitude that White Oak offers. Be prepared to relax and enjoy southern hospitality in a beautifully stunning natural setting.

We hope that someday you'll visit us in person. Our pledge is to do everything possible to see that you enjoy a truly quality experience, not only in hunting or shooting success, but in the fellowship shared with friends and family in a unique, relaxing environment.

Robert, Hilda, Bo, Tooie, Matthew and Merri Pitman