Powerfull tools for creation of single image stereograms, also known as SIRDS, hollusion and Magic Eye.
3DMiracle - software for creation stereograms and 3d movies (animated stereograms) from depth masks. It supports up to 24 bits color bit rate and output stereogram size up to 10000x10000. 04 May 2004 new version v1.73 was released.
3DMonster - tool for creating depth masks for stereograms from 3d objects, imported from 3DS format. 04 May 2004 build 1.54 was released. It is compartible with 3DMiracle and the majority of other Single Image Stereography programs.
Both programs are shareware. Download trial versions for free.
Multilanguage support is implemented now in both programs. You may get FREE registration if you translate program
in some language not listed at download page.