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8   February  2005

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Interesting Places to visit in Pas de Calais, France

Centre about working fishermen
Come and Discover the world of fishermen
A new entertaining exhibition in the fishing port of Etaples.
Enjoy the exciting experience atmosphere of being part of the crew on-board - seeing how they handle the ship, but also how they manage to bring the necessary fish to the local markets every morning.

Location: MAREIS Centre de la Pêche Artisinale, La Corderie, Boulevard Bigot-Descelers, 62630 ETAPLES.
Directions: Take exit 26 from the A16 autoroute Boulogne-Amiens. Head for Etaples, by the river.
Contact/Bookings 09 04 00 - Fax: 00 33 3 21 09 00 61

Fishing and seafood. Etaples is a working fishing port at the border of the river Canche.
The fishermen run a co-operative with a fish market and a fish restaurant in the little town -

Tourist information - OFFICE DE TOURISME:
Le Clos Saint-Victor, boulevard Bigot, 62630 ETAPLES
Tel: 00 33 3 21 09 56 94 - Fax: 00 33 21 09 76 96

The Maison du Sauvetage is situated in Grand-Fort-Philippe. You will learn about the story of sea rescues and the dangers of deep sea expeditions by stormy weather.

Gravelines and Grand-Fort-Philippe are still lively ports with boats arriving and leaving each day for fishing in local waters. Boats leave from Gravelines and Dunkerque which will take you for a sea trip to see the ports and the coastline - or to have a go at fishing yourself.

Curing the herring catches
In Grand-Fort-Philippe near Gravelines, you will see how they work and how fish is preserved, using different methods.
Location: Maison du Sauvetage
boulevard de la République
Tel: 00 33 3 28 51 94 00
Fax: 00 33 3 28 65 45 45

Boat trips:
Maison du Patrimonie, Gravelines
Tel: 00 33 3 28 65 45 45
Association Mer et Rencontre à Dunkerque
Tel: 00 33 3 28 29 13 80

Centre National de la Mer [National Sea Centre]

You will discover the sea and marine life. You will discover the Nausicaa shows, the sea-lions enjoying their natural environment.  Nausicaa shows the French interest and care about the marine environment.

Tropical lagoons to the cold North Sea. You can explore life in the oceans from all latitudes - from a tropical lagoon (see above) to the cold seas and unfathomable depths. This visit will probably be unforgettable!

Location: Nausicaa, Boulevard Sainte Beuve, 62200 Boulogne-sur-Mer.
Directions: on the seafront by the entrance to the port at Boulogne; take exit 3 or 31 from A16 autoroute and follow signs.
Opening Times: Every day: 09.30-18.30; July-Aug: 09.30-20.00. Check website for possible CLOSED period in January
Tel: 00-33 21-30-98-98 (enquiries)
Tel:00-33 21-30-99-99 (group bookings)
Fax: 00-33 21 30-93-94

Dunkerque Port Museum
Den of Pirates
Dunkerque was famous for its base for pirates. You will see models of ships and paintings of famous exploits and battles.  Now that the museum has been restored, you will see the old methods the fishermen used and traditional object of the time. Outside the museum you can will see a fantastic collection of boats and ships. You can also book a guided tour of the old port.

Location: 9 Quai de la Citadelle, 59140 Dunkerque
Museum Information/ reservations:
Tel: 00 33 3 28-63-33-39
Fax: 00 33 3 28-65-06-62

Mills Museum

Villeneuve d'Ascq - near Lille
The museum's two post-mills At our mill you can see the last working wind-powered linseed oil mill in the world. There used to be over 200 mills in the 19th Century this is the last remaining working mill. A water-powered tilt hammer and various assortment of mill paraphernalia can also be seen at our mill.

Location: outskirts of Lille.
Take Exit 6 from A1 autoroute.
Centre Regional de Moulinologie
Rue Albert Samain
Information/ Bookings:
Tel: 00 33 3 20 05 49 34
Fax: 00 33 3 20 05 11 06

Casteel Meulen, Cassel
Mill on the mountain.  Our Mill can be found at the top of Mont Cassel. The original mill was burnt in 1911 so in 1947 the current mill was moved here. At this site wheat or rye can be milled as well as oil crushed to make linseed oil used for lamps.

Location: Casteel Meulen, Mont Cassel, 59670 CASSEL.
Take Cassel exit (D948) from A25 autoroute
Information/ Bookings:
Tel: 00 33 3 28 40 52 55 (Tourist Office)
Fax: 00 33 3 28 40 59 17

Estaminet "De Vierpot" & Ondank Meulen, Boeschepe
The mill's farmhouse was converted into the estaminet in 1982. You will enjoy a traditional Flemish Breakfast or lunch . Ondank Meulen - the "ungrateful mill"
A restored post mill located in the once a typical Flanders countryside.
The mill is now open to visitors and live demonstrations can be seen.

Location: Estaminet de Vierpot, Au pied du Moulin, 59299 BOESCHEPE
Exit 13 from A25 autoroute north of Bailleul
Information/ Bookings:
Tel/fax: 00 33 3 28 49 46 37