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  Evolutionary perspective  

Studying carefully our ancestors' diets


Learn about the Mediterranean Diet at the place it was born.
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International Conference
Traditional Mediterranean Diet: Past, Present and Future
Athens, 21 - 23 April 2004

An evolutionary perspective on diet

Evolutionary Nutrition is the study of the changing diet of our ancestors, and the effects these changes had on our health and disease patterns. This study is relatively easy where we have documentary evidence, such as in the case of classical Greece, but it becomes difficult and uncertain when we try to examine the foods and eating habits of our more distant ancestors.
To bypass the relative lack of data associated with our hominid and later ancestors, Evolutionary Nutrition uses ethnographic parallels but also indirect ways to obtain the necessary data, based on the fact that our biochemical reactions are very much the same as these of our ancestors no matter how distant these may be. Thus many unknown biochemical as well as physiological reactions that have no explanations, are not only explained by the special viewpoint of Evolutionary Nutrition, but they become sources of an unusual amount of information.
The careful study of our ancestors' diets shows among other things that they had:

  • A very large variety of plant foods in their diet
  • A diet rich in soluble and insoluble fibers
  • A relatively large number of calorically small meals
  • Virtually all their foods in the raw state with their enzymes intact
  • Separated their proteins and fats from their carbohydrates
  • A balanced but lean diet in terms of animal fats

Connie Lambrou-Phillipson, John Phillipson
Institute of Paleonutrition, Greece

Main Menu

Mediterranean diet: A gift of gods
Session 1: The past and evolution - experience from other diets.
- An evolutionary perspective on diet.
- Mediterranean diet: The last fifty thousand years
- The Bronze Age site of Akrotiri, Thera: a window into past plant production and consumption
- The nutritional habits in prehistoric Cyprus: 7.000-2.300 BC.
- Historical overview of almonds in the Eastern Mediterranean.
- Chestnut trees on Italian mountains, chestnut fruits in Italian diet: past, present and future.
- Traditional Malaysian diet: its nutritional implications to health.
- Mediterranean diet, the past and the future of traditional dishes in Hungary and in Europe.
Session 2: From Mediterranean diet to Mediterranean lifestyle.
Session 3: Can the Mediterranean diet be industrialized?
Session 4: The Medi-Rivage intervention study, results after three months' follow up.
Session 5: Santorini grapes against atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.
Session 6: Bioavailability study of olive tree bioactive substances in biological fluids by mass spectrometric techniques aiming at the evaluation of their role on human health.
Session 7: The present role of the Mediterranean diet.
Session 8: Postprandial lipemia, dietary fat and Mediterranean diet.
Session 9: Contribution of table olives to the Mediterranean diet.
Session 10: Dietary Mediterranean diet in West Algerian healthy population.
Poster presentations: Development of a short dietary intake questionnaire for the quantitative estimation of adherence to the cardioprotective Mediterranean diet.


- Pellagra caused by vitamin deficiencies.
- Protein supplements saved many children's lives.
- Food and nutrition, a major issue everywhere.
- Protein, the most vital nutrient.
- Eat up all your vegetables!
- Pay for good health today, or pay for bad health tomorrow!
- Muscle and fitness activities combined with wise food nutrition for a winning attitude.
- Add quality nutritional supplements to your health and fitness program.
- Dieting to lose weight quickly or to stay healthy?

The best way to lose weight

- Overweight: A cause or a consequence?
- Information on depression and preventive psychiatry.
- Setting goals to lose weight.
- Losing weight step by step.
- Dieting tips for your weight loss program.
- Low calorie recipes, juicy and tasty.
- A tasty, low-calorie vegetable soup.
- Calorie chart.
- Show me your progress!
- Nutritional supplements - liquid vitamins & antioxidants

Preventive psychiatry

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