Holistic.Health, Alternative.Healing, Natural Remedies and New Age Gifts. Find holistic health solutions and alternative healing information at Healthy New Age. Find detailed information on health conditions and reliable sources for holistic health products, natural remedies including homeopathy, enzymes, herbal remedies and essential oils. Learn about alternative healing.
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#1 Enzyme Essentials
Digestive Enzymes for better digestion and elimination
#2 Healing Oil Blends
Natural Remedies for
Herbal Remedies #3 Intrasound
Buy Intrasound Gel
and Intrasound Powder
#4 Native Remedies
Homeopathic Remedies for
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#5 Zenmed Botanicals
Natural Skin Care for Acne, Rosacea, Eczema and hemorrhoids
#6 Herbal Remedies
Huge Selection of Natural Remedies
#7 Blessed Herbs
Herbal Remedies to Detox and Cleanse
#8 Herbal Care Direct
Direct to consumer
Stretchmarks, Warts, Herpes, and more
#9 Vaxa Medicinals
Homeopathic Remedies for alkaline ph balance, Detox and more
#10 MindWriters
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Click here for Hoodia
Alternative Healing
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Comprehensive Guide to the Safety and Effectiveness of Alternative Medicine for Common Ailments.
A clear and accessible guide to choosing the most suitable complementary therapy for your needs.
More than any other popular reference book, The Complete Book of Symptoms & Treatments offers objective advice and help in making the right decisions about complementary medicine for common health problems. Many ailments are described and appraised in easy-to-read tables. Based on state-of-the-art scientific research and detailed analysis of medical literature, The Complete Book of Symptoms & Treatments discusses many therapies ranging from acupuncture, Ayurveda and homeopathy to reflexology, iridology, traditional Chinese medicine and dowsing.
Highlights what complementary therapies and natural remedies are available for a particular ailment and when they might be considered as well as the conventional orthodox treatments available.
Alternative Healing and Holistic Health Articles
Tsunami Donations: http://www.redcross.com
Allergies * Anxiety * ADD * Bad Breath * Menopause * Psoriasis * Detoxing * Tinnitus Herpes Virus * COPD * Weight Loss * Intimacy * Sinusitis * Sciatica * Prostate
Homeopathy * Using Herbs * Feng Shui * CFS * Cataracts,Glaucoma * Heartburn
Warts * Spiritual Surrender * Shamanism * The Value of Pain * The Teacher
Featured Holistic Health Products and Programs
Ultra Learn - Accelerated Learning * What is Chlamydia?
Stretchmark Reducer * Polarity Therapy Training * Sound Healing Course
Super Colon Detox Kit * Total Body Detox Kit * Colds and Flu Prevention Pak
Excessive Bruising Formula * Low Carb Dieting Answers * Healthy Weight Loss
Practical Body Building * Workout Enhancement Products * Antiaging Health Combo
The Healthy New Age Success and Creativity Center features the best in holistic health products, natural remedies, herbal remedies, homeopathic remedies, new age gifts and alternative healing information. Healthy New Age is designed to benefit those who are
dedicated to mindful extraordinary living! It is designed to be explored and wandered thru, so feel free to stay as long as you like, and see what calls you here. From reflexology to digestive enzymes, from flower essences to menopause, you can find it here. (p.s. If you are in a hurry or looking for a specific health product or information on a specific health condition
, you can experience instant gratification by
using the dropdown menu near the top of this page or by typing in your keyword in the search box you will find at the top left of this page. My goal is to provide whatever you
need for optimal health in Mind, Body, Spirit thru holistic health products, educational information, new age gifts, alternative healing information and more. Can't find something you need? Wellness Questions? Email: neva at healthynewage.com (remove spaces and replace "at" with @ symbol) and I'll find it for you!
Neva Howell, Webmaster I am trained in reflexology, herbology, Reiki and other wellness modalities. Phone: 256-597-3086
Wellness Focus On Diabetes
Diabetic Studies ~*~ Diabetic Foot Care * Diabetic Supplies * Diabetic Sweetener
Wellness Focus On Creativity
creatively speaking.....i believe creativity is a vital aspect of Creator
that lives in all of us....creativity enhances our lives and health. if you believe this too, you may enjoy these pages.....
theatre games...artist resources...spiritual training...stone art...spirit art
astro art...the green mile...films and spirituality...spiritual success...vocal training
creative writing...acting class...a painted house...networking...my fellow americans
Featured: Save on Anti-Aging and Good Health Combo....Click Here
The Original Intrasound Gel and Powder * The Ultimate Natural Skincare
The Wired Seniors Network * Electric Scooters * Electric Wheelchairs
From Neva, healthynewage.com webmaster: Thank you so much for visiting. I hope you will think of healthynewage.com Whenever you are seeking holistic health supplements, new age gifts or alternative healing resources, With over 700 pages of wellness information, you are sure to find something of benefit so explore! As co-creator of the SunMoon totem essences, flower essences, Water Tree Process, Trauma Recovery Essence Set, and gemstone essences featured here, I also invite you to explore the spiritual side of healing. Totem Essences are a subtle energy tool for connecting
with Power Animals and flower essences are very powerful homeopathic balancing tools for the subtle energy field.
I'm a big believer in homeopathic remedies. I feel the body's natural ability to heal itself is stimulated by homeopathic remedies where it is suppressed by many alopathic remedies such as antibiotic. Of all holistic health supplements, I consider homeopathy to be one of the safest, most effective
natural remedies available. I know the totem essences and flower essences could only be achieved thru homeopathy but also feel that homeopathic hgh and other formulas may well be more effective than full strength versions. (By the way, if you are unfamiliar with the term totem animals, you may enjoy reading about the totem essence functions. You'll find a link just up the page for the totem essences information) You explore and find what is right for you. The new age gifts on this site, in addition to including wonderful ideas for all occasions, also includes education for the purpose of making discerning decisions about your
health care regimen.
All Natural Herbal Remedies, Not Available In Stores. Free UPS Shipping Please note: Free shipping offer refers ONLY to Herbal Care Direct Products!
Featured - Basic Online Foot Reflexology Class: Special Offer: This Online Class is Only $25.00!
Are you stressed? Do you need to relax? Relieving stress and helping you to relax are two benefits of reflexology. Foot Reflexology has achieved world-wide popularity over the last 10 years. Reflexology is a drug-free form of managing and alleviating physical and stress-related conditions. This course will cover history as well as technique for foot and hand reflexology. Reflexology uses the thumb and fingers to seek out the sore spots on your foot caused by congestion in the corresponding organ or gland. It works on similar principles to acupuncture. Click here for more information and to register
Note from Neva: I've been a reflexologist for many years now and have seen foot reflexology do some amaging things for people. Many find it as relaxing as a full-body massage when done properly and when combined with alternative healing awareness and vibration, it can prove amazing. Since foot reflexology is so simple to learn, some may dismiss it but believe me, it's a healing gift and will reward anyone whose feet you touch after your training!
Neva on herbal remedies: I have utilized plant medicines and other natural remedies for health and wellness, almost exclusively, for most of my adult life. I depend on the wisdom of nature. Because wellness is my work, I have often become a
human guinea pig, taking dosages beyond what I would even suggest for others. Though I have had some physiological reactions, such as the time I took too much niacin and thought I was on fire, I have yet to have a life-threatening experience with natural remedies as long as I remember the law
of nature - take whole plant preparations, not one property extracted from a plant. And I always strive to use organic and wildcrafted herbs, whenever possible. I've added a lot of herbal remedy newsletters on the site. Here are a few:
Herbal Newsletter - Good Sleep * Herbal Newsletter - Healthy Weight Loss
Herbal Newsletter - Stress Reduction * Herbal Newsletter - Colon Health
Herbal Newsletter - Arthritis, Liver Disease * Herbal Newsletter - Antioxidants
Holistic Health, Alternative Healing, New Age and Travel Resources
The Alternative Medicine Homepage - Alternative Medicine Research
Stop Smoking Resources
An excellent, informative, and practical selection of smoking cessation resources to give you the tools to change. Become a nonsmoker, starting today!
Healthy Living Tips
Topics include Healthy Skin, Skin Care Formulas, Heart Disease, Ulcers, Exercise, Dieting, Walking, Positive Attitude and more. |
Are alternative medicine and complementary medicine different from each other?
Yes, they are different.
Complementary medicine is used together with conventional medicine. An example of a complementary therapy is using aromatherapy to help lessen a patient's discomfort following surgery.
Alternative medicine is used in place of conventional medicine. An example of an alternative therapy is using a special diet to treat cancer instead of undergoing surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy that has been recommended by a conventional doctor.
Integrative medicine, as defined by NCCAM, combines mainstream medical therapies and CAM therapies for which there is some high-quality scientific evidence of safety and effectiveness.
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