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Baltimore MD


To Webtime Internet Tools:

bullet Offering fast,affordable web site hosting for the webmaster in all of us. details
bullet Providing low cost domain registration services to help you buy the name you really want. details
bullet Our Design Services can be tailored to meet any size project or budget. details
bullet Benefiting you with over 8 years of experience on the Internet.

Early in 1994 I discovered the new frontier of the Internet. The web was then dominated by the likes of Prodigy, Aol, and CompuServe. They were offering up blazingly fast access to their systems at speeds of up to 9600 baud. The www was just coming of age, and even at this early stage, I recognized the power that the web would offer in the years to come. At this time I knew very little of PC's and even less of html and networking, but I knew that .... More


Web Hosting
Fast full service hosting accounts from $12.70/month. Every account includes a free copy of let's Take an Order Shopping cart. Also included with every account are twelve of the most popular cgi-scripts found on the web today: details


Web Hosting
Offering fast full service hosting accounts from $12.70/month. All of our accounts include Free FrontPage server extensions and a free copy of let's Take an Order Shopping cart. Also included with every account are twelve of the most popular cgi-scripts found on the web today including Forums, Guest Books, HitCounters, Postcards, Quizs, Vote/Polling, and Power Search. details

Software Tools
We have compiled the best tools we could find to help you in creating a truly fun and interactive website. Html editors, Image editors, Java programs, site promotion utilities all from the likes of Microsoft, Macromedia, Adobe, Ulead, Netobjects etc... Download a free trial version today and decide for your self which tools you like best.

What the heck is a cgi-bin anyway?
Perl, scripts, cgi, What does all this mean, and why do I really give a rat's #!%#? That a good question, here's an answer your grandmother would understand. They make your site interactive and can automate many tasks of your site. Wanna run an auction, how about a classified ad system for your community. Care to offer Ecards from your site? If you answered yes to any of these questions Read On

All you wanted to know about Website promotion but were afraid to ask.
If your email box is anything like mine, you get dozens of emails from companies offering to optimize your website for the search engines, or Submit your site to 2000 search engines all for the low low price of.... You know what I mean. Check out this free, no nonsense guide to website promotion, you'll be glad you did. Read On

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