Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
Teach a Kid to Fish My kids all grew up fishing. I learned from my Dad how to start them out and what to do to get them hooked, so to speak. You see, he had done the same thing for me, and his uncle before him for even him. The kids all love to fish today, although, not unlike most of us, work and family situations prevent fishing as such as they would like... Read more... Tuesday February 08, 2005#
Having a Float Plan Saves Lives In another of a series of articles by Wayne Spivak, Division Chief - External Communications, Public Affairs Department, United States Coast Guard Auxiliary he tells us that U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary has redesigned its Float Plan Central – featuring the world's only lifesaving device on paper... Read more... Sunday January 23, 2005#
When the Water Warms Like most of you, I suppose, I can't stand to wait when it comes to fishing. It comes from my father. I can remember as a kid always being the first to reach the launch ramp in the morning, and if we somehow were not first, it seemed that the day was simply ruined... Read more... Saturday January 22, 2005#
A New Year with Some New Options MPA - a set of letters that bring me to my feet- stands for Marine Protected Area. It is the jargon and acronym used by a number of people and organizations to describe what I believe is a covert attempt by anti-fishing organizations like PETA to totally eliminate fishing... Read more... Saturday January 22, 2005#
Trailers - Float-on or Winch-on? In all the years I fished with my father growing up, not once did he ever own a float-on trailer. In fact, with the winch-on trailers he had over the years the tire rims barely, if ever, got wet. My father was paranoid about saltwater rust and corrosion... Read more... Thursday January 13, 2005#
Blood Oath I had a number of "secret" fishing spots when I was growing up. Several were like the small mangrove creek that I had to drag or push the boat across a flat to get to, and I was convinced that I was the only one ever to fish this hidden creek... Read more... Thursday January 06, 2005#
Gray's Reef Marine Sanctuary Like the national parks, marine areas identified for their biodiversity, ecological integrity, and cultural legacy receive protection through the National Marine Sanctuaries Program. The program, administered by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), was created in Title III of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972... Read more... Thursday January 06, 2005#