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Featured Coral Calcium Product

Calcium Supreme PlusCalcium Supreme Plus - manufactured by the same people as Authentic Coral Calcium our brand contains 500 mg. of Okinawa coral calcium and generous amount of vitamins. Get 100% More Coral Calcium in this 120-count bottle than Coral Calcium Supreme. Only $19.95 for 1 bottle!
- Thats $10 off the retail price of $29.95

Featured Coral Calcium Product

Bob Barefoot Coral CalciumBarefoot Coral Calcium Supreme Plus - If you desire the best coral calcium money can buy, we offer a 90-count bottle of the NEW Barefoot Coral Calcium Supreme Plus. Containing 2,000 mg. of coral calcium per 3 caplets and 2,000 iu's of Vitamin- D,
Only $24.95 for 1 bottle!
- Thats $10 off the retail price of $34.95

Welcome to Coral Calcium Super Store - Plenty of Bob Barefoot Coral Calcium in Stock!

Including over 70 trace minerals that your body needs for proper function. Coral Calcium Super Store is proud to offer the best Bob Barefoot Coral Calcium and best selling Coral Calcium available for your healthy living needs. We carry a huge selection of Coral Calcium, related calcium products, liquid health products and herbal greens.

Compare Coral Calcium Products

Calcium Supreme Plus Coral Calcium Supreme Calcium Factor Plus Improved Coral Calcium

Calcium Supreme PlusCalcium Supreme Plus comes in a 120-count bottle of 500 mg. marine grade Coral Calcium capsules.

Compare quantity, ingredients and price to Barefoot's Best

Coral Calcium SupremeCoral Calcium Supreme comes in a 90-count bottle of 333 mg. marine grade Coral Calcium capsules. Calcium Factor PlusCalcium Factor Plus comes in a 60-count bottle of 500 mg. of Coral Calcium formulated from "The Calcium Factor"

Barefoot Coral Calcium Supreme PlusThis brand of Coral Calcium Supreme Plus comes in a 90-count bottle containing 666 mg. of Coral Calcium and much more.

This is Barefoot's Best
Coral Calcium

Coral Calcium - 2000 mg.
Vitamin D - 2,000 iu's
Serving Size - 4
Total Servings - 30
Retail Price - $29.95
Our Price - $19.95

More Information

Coral Calcium - 1000 mg.
Vitamin D - 816 iu's
Serving Size - 3
Total Servings - 30
Retail Price - $28.95
Our Price - $18.95

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Coral Calcium - 1000 mg.
Vitamin D - 400 iu's
Serving Size - 2
Total Servings - 30
Retail Price - $26.95
Our Price - $16.95

More Information

Coral Calcium - 2000 mg.
Vitamin D - 2,000 iu's
Serving Size - 3
Total Servings - 30
Retail Price - $34.95
Our Price - $24.95

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More Coral Calcium Products

Green Tea with Coral Calcium Coral Calcium Sachet Vitamin D

Green Tea with Coral CalciumExperience the benefits of Green Tea and Coral Calcium combined, the newest method of deterring stress and fighting off free radicals.

Coral Calcium SachetThese easy to use Coral Calcium Sachet's (tea bags) restore the natural properties of tap water in the space of just a few minutes. Vitamin DEnhance the effects of your coral calcium by adding Vitamin D. All 250 Vitamin D capsules contain 5,000 iu's of Vitamin D to enhance your continued health.

Marine Mineral Complex - 500 mg.
Total Servings - 30
1 Box - $17.95

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Coral Minerals - 994 mg.
Total Servings - 30 Tea Bags
1 Month Supply - $23.95

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Vitamin D - 5,000 iu's
Total Servings - 250 Capsules
Retail Price - $34.95
Our Price
- $23.95

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Compare Coral Calcium Products Additional Coral Calcium Related Products

pH Paper w/ Dispenser pH Paper Refills pH Test Kit & Fact Sheet

pH Paper with Dispenser(1) 15' Roll of pH Paper w/Dispenser - Test Your Body pH Daily with our easy to use pH Paper.

pH Paper Refills
(5) 15' Rolls of pH Paper - Refills for Your pH Paper Dispenser.
pH Test Kit & Fact Sheet
pH Test Kit & Fact Sheet so you can monitor your entire family's pH levels.

Our Price - $10.00

Our Price - $20.00

Our Price - $0.99 each

Calcium Factor Video
Barefoot Lecture Tapes Barefoot Lecture CD Calcium Factor Borchures

The Calcium Factor Infomercial Video with Bob Barefoot.

Barefoot Lecture Audio Tapes. Robert Barefoot Lecture CD's

(10) Calcium Factor Plus Brochures.

1 Video - $10.00

10 Videos - $60.00

Our Price - $2.00 each

Our Price - $3.50 each

Our Price - $3.00 (for 10)

Coral Calcium Health Benefits

Coral Calcium Supreme is a dietary supplement made of marine coral from Okinawa, Japan. While most experts agree that calcium should be obtained from natural dietary sources, this is difficult in today's world which often revolves around increasingly busy schedules. Calcium supplements such as Coral Calcium are perfect for people who don't receive enough calcium or for those who require more.

The National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine states that adults over the age of 50 require an adequate intake of 1,200 mg of calcium per day. Your body requires calcium for almost every major body function as well as cell division, hormone production, and to aide in strong, healthy bones and teeth.

Why is it good for your health?

Coral is among the oldest and most primitive of organisms. Although coral reefs surround islands everywhere in the world, the coral reefs surrounding Okinawa Japan have proved to be like no other. There are over 2,500 varieties of coral in the world, but only the Sango Coral contains an organic composition identical to that of the human skeleton, including calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium

Taken two times a day with water, Coral Calcium delivers critical calcium- otherwise tough to absorb and be used effectively by the body- and over 60 critical minerals to your system. Often called "the king of the minerals," calcium is considered the common denominator of good health.

Why should you take Coral Calcium?

Coral Calcium is structured almost identically to the Calcium found in your bones. Scientists and Nutritionists agree that taking Coral Calcium may aid in the prevention or improvement of over 200 different types of illness and disease. Evidence has also shown that it may help lower cholesterol, increase energy and promote stronger bones and muscle function.

Coral Calcium
Coral Calcium Products
Liquid Health
Organic Greens

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results will very from person to person.

© 2004 Coral Calcium Super Store