The Internet is an increasingly important place to work, play and learn for both adults and children. At the same time, we are concerned about the risks we face online. The challenge is to stay "one-click" ahead of would-be pornographers, hackers, child-predators and those who would misuse your and your child's sensitive information. GetNetWise can help.
GetNetWise about ...
Keeping Children Safe Online
Learn about the risks kids face online, Search or browse for Internet safety products, browse great sites families can visit together, and Learn how to identify online trouble and get law enforcement contact information.
Stopping Unwanted E-mail and Spam
Learn how to prevent unwanted email from flooding your inbox and how to report the spammers.
Protecting Your Computer From Hackers and Viruses
Learn about the risks that hackers and viruses pose to your computer files and software. Take steps to prevent viruses from infecting your software and to keep hackers from compromising your computer.
Keeping Your Personal Info Private
Learn about tools and techniques to better control how much personal information you share with online stores, Web sites, e-mailers and other people who may use your computer.