Telecom Glossary BC
BTN - Billing Telephone Number
The phone number associated, for billing purposes,
with the Working Phone Number.
Buffer Box
a device that temporarily stores data,
usually between two devices with different data speeds;
sends data out at a speed that the slower machine can
handle. Recommended to prevent CDR loss on a call
accounting system.
Access an IEC other than the customer's Equal Access
carrier by dialing 10+CIC Code. (e.g. Bypass to WorldCom
by dialing "1010555"). See Walkthrough, CIC
Call Accounting System
A computer, a magnetic storage device
(floppy or hard disk), software and some mechanical method of
attaching itself to a telephone system. A call
accounting system is used to record information
about telephone calls, organize that information
and prepare reports - printed or to disk. The
information it captures about phone calls typically
includes from which extension the call is coming,
which number it is calling (local or long distance),
which circuit is used for the call (WATs,
MCI, etc), when the call started, how long it lasted,
for what purpose the call was made (client or project, etc).
A call accounting system may also include information
on incoming calls - which trunk was used, where the
call came from, which extension took the call, if it
was transferred and to where and how long it took.
Long Distance Glossary