Telecom Glossary R2
RBOC - Regional Bell Operating Company
Rebiller - See Reseller
Regional Bell Operating Companies - RBOC
One of the seven "Baby Bell" Companies created
by the 1982 Modified Final Judgement that specified
the terms of the AT&T Divestiture. The seven RHCs
include: NYNEX, Bell Atlantic, Bell South, Southwestern
Bell, U.S. West, Pacific Telesis, and Ameritech. "RBOC"
is sometimes used informally to refer to the Regional
Holding Companies defined in the 1982 MFJ. (See Bell
Operating Companies - There are 19 BOCs).
FCC, PUC, Federal Courts (e.g. MFJ), etc.
Reseller - Also known as Rebiller
A long-distance carrier (IEC) that does not own a
network, but leases bulk capacity and resells portions
of it at a higher rate.
Long Distance Glossary