The Wayback Machine -
Outdoor Management Network
... helping companies and organizations strengthen their marketing, public relations, and Internet programs.

Marketing Services
News Releases & Press Kits

Press, Dealer, & Customer Mailings

Press Meetings, Conferences, & Workshops

Press Phone Campaigns & Targeted Publicity

Newsletters, Brochures, Catalogs, Flyers

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Information Services for Outdoor Recreation Enthusiasts


Phone & Targeted Publicity Campaigns

If your business or organization needs special publicity in the large popular media outlets (high profile magazines, specialty magazines, newspapers, radio, or TV) one of the best ways to assure coverage is through highly targeted phone and personal contact campaigns.

Our publicity specialists work with you to identify the specific publications and media outlets that can best benefit your business. We prepare the needed press materials to feature in these media, distribute the materials to them, and talk one-on-one with the key decision makers to give you the very best chance that your newsworthy product, program, or service gets the public attention it deserves. With more than 20 years experience in outdoor recreation publicity, we know many editors and top freelance writers personally, saving you the years of relationship building it often takes to receive prominent editorial coverage of your materials.

Contact us today for a custom phone campaign or targeted publicity program.

Contact Us Today

Outdoor Management Network Inc.
4607 NE Cedar Creek Rd.
Woodland, WA 98674
Phone: 360-225-5000
Fax: 360-225-7616
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