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 better than botox?

Better than Botox ?...How does it remove wrinkles?

No Botox* injections.  Remove unwanted wrinkles...banish unsightly neck bands...clear away crow's-feet. 

Now there is a Botox Alternative! A large number of people are having Botox injections to regain a more youthful appearance.  But what about the millions of people who want the benefits, but not the risks and costs associated with Botox injections?  What is better than Botox? OHT Peptide-3 is the anti-aging breakthrough designed to get rid of fine lines, wrinkles, and crows feet. Results have been proven to last longer than Botox.

Learn  how OHT Peptide-3 delivers safe Botox-like effects! 

When our scientists set out to discover weapons in the fight against aging, they turned to an old ally: naturally occurring peptides.

Peptides have always played a vital role in the skin's healing process. Found naturally in the body, these proteins signal when repair is needed. In our two separate formulas, we had isolated three super-powerful peptides that when brought together by our happy accident, formed a truly potent anti-aging cream.

  • Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-3 (Ceramide Oligopeptide-3) is clinically proven to regenerate the skin's upper layers by stimulating collagen production and thickening the epidermis—not unlike the regeneration.
  • Palmitoyl Tetrapeptide-3 is proven to suppress the body's production of interleukins, the chemical messengers that trigger inflammation.
  • Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 is proven to reduce wrinkles by disrupting the nerve signals sent to tense muscle beneath the dermis—functionally relaxing them and smoothing the overlying skin.

In the end, a powerful formula was discovered that could fight the aging process head-on—giving people a chance to reclaim their youthful glow. Better than Botox?

100% Money Back Guarantee
If you don't see a profound visible difference, just return the unused portion within 30 days for a full refund.

Now You can try it for FREE!!

 better than botox?

Oh, you can still buy Strivectin™

*Botox® is a registered trademark of Allergan, Inc.



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