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 Archive of Ezine Articles - 1999 to 2003




October 2003
ceo.html CEO's Desk: Inventing Success Michelle Collins
checklist.html Starting a New Business Checklist CO Staff
detail.html Success is in the Detail Dr Paul E Adams
gst.html Demystifying the GST Michelle Collins
hands.html Handshakes Peter Urs Bender
iso.html ISO and the New Focus on Customer Satisfaction John Towler Ph.D.
paid.html Getting Paid Michelle Collins
September 2003
comm.html Communication is the First Victim of Corporate Inability to Change Peter Urs Bender
harry_rosen.html CEO's Desk: Dressed for Success Michelle Collins
john_towler.html Coping With Job Stress John Towler Ph.D.
maternity.html Maternity Leave Loophole Julie King &
Michelle Collins
paul_adams_story.html Watch Out for Wishful Sales Forecasts Dr Paul E Adams
perfect_email.html Writing the Perfect Email: Professional or Casual? Michelle Collins
register_manitoba.html Registering a Business in Manitoba Michelle Collins
review48.html Book Review: Dr. Peeling's Principles of Management Michelle Collins
ten_steps.html 10 Steps to a Great Business Website Julie King
August 2003
agressiveness.html Aggressiveness Peter Urs Bender
blackout.html The Day the Lights Went Out Michelle Collins
business_burnout.html Is Your Business Burning You Out? Michelle Collins
customers_saying_yes.html Coaching Business: Get Your Customers to Say Yes! Dr Paul E Adams
employees_profit.html Employees and Profits: How to Increase the Bottom Line John Towler Ph.D.
golf_networking.html Networking on the Green Michelle Collins
off_page_ads.html Are Off-Page Ads Driving you Nuts? Julie King
review47.html Review: The Strategic Enterprise: Growing a Business for the 21st Century Julie King
smart_cards.html Visa Cards Get Smart Michelle Collins
July 2003
cafe.html Café Season Michelle Collins
contract.html Contract Debriefing Michelle Collins
e-commerce.html Building a Killer E-Commerce Website Julie King
motivate.html Motivate Others: Motivate Yourself Peter Urs Bender
new_employees.html A Guide to the Care and Feeding of New Employees...The First 90 Days Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey
privacy.html New Privacy Laws and Your Business Michelle Collins
prosperity.html Twenty Months to Prosperity and Peace of Mind Dr. Paul E Adams
sins2.html Deadly Sins Part 2: Procrastination Michelle Collins
June 2003
action.html Action Is Where the Action Is! Dr. Paul E Adams
businesscommunications.html Business Communications for an Uncertain World Michelle Collins & Julie King
deadly_sins_fear.html The Deadly Sins of Entrepreneurship Michelle Collins
developmentplan.html The Importance of a Professional Development Strategic Plan Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey
identitytheft.html Identity Theft Michelle Collins
leadership.html Leadership in Tough Times Peter Urs Bender
surveyresponce.html How to Improve Survey Response Rates John Towler Ph.D.
May 2003
brainstorming.html Thunder-Thinking…When Lightning Strikes Boby Hooey
government_bids.html Government Contracts: Accessing the Opportunities Michelle Collins
intangible.html Trust: The Intangible that Builds Empires Peter Urs Bender
sales_desire.html To Make a Sale You Must Create Desire Dr. Paul E Adams
surveys.html Write-in-the-Answer Survey Questions: Powerful But Problematic. John Towler Ph.D.
April 2003
elevator_pitch.html Creating a Powerful Elevator Pitch Julie King
eric_gilboord.html Successful Marketing: An Interview with Eric Gilboord CO Staff
government_contracts.html Winning Government Work Michelle Collins
plain_language.html In Business, Plain Words Say it Best Adam Bello
sales_desire.html To Make a Sale You Must Create Desire Dr. Paul E Adams
venture_fair.html Venture Fair 2003 Showcases Quality Canadian Companies Michelle Collins
March 2003
colour_trends.html Colour Trends 2003 Michelle Collins & Julie King
closing_sales.html What do You Say after You Say Hello? Dr. Paul Adams
competing_lower_price.html Proactive strategies to 'minimize' price objections Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey
power_presentations.html Free Book Offer! Secrets of Power Presentations Peter Urs Bender
self_analysis_business.html It Pays To Know What You Don't Know Eric Gilboord
surveys_help_success.html If you sit on a powder keg, don't smoke John Towler
February 2003
idea_patents.html Turning your Idea into a Business Part V: Protecting your Idea Michelle Collins
business_success.html Disability No Obstacle in Business Success Michelle Collins
voicemail_tips.html Does Voicemail Drive you Crazy? Peter Urs Bender
business_success.html New Business Development Process Eric Gilboord
marketing_actions.html What Have You Done to Build your Business Today? Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey
employee_motivation.html Do You Wish Your Employees Happy Birthday? Dr. Paul Adams
reviews/review40.html Book Review: Preventing Strategic Gridlock Michelle Collins
January 2003
franchises.html Franchising with a Difference Michelle Collins
invigorate_business.html Whip your Business into Shape Michelle Collins
finding_customers.html Where did the Customers Go? James Maduc
doing_it.html Turning your Idea into a Business Part IV: Launching your Product Michelle Collins
inventory.html Is your Annual Bonus Sitting on the Shelf? Dr. Paul E. Adams
review39.html Software Review: Quicken XG Michelle Collins



January 2002
retailing.html Outfitting Retail: Design an Experience Michelle Collins
work_at_home_dads.html 21st Century Pioneers: Work-at-home Dads Michelle Collins
legal_questions.html Legal Q&A;: Answers to five common legal questions
bonding.html Bonding: Protect Yourself from Employee Theft Michelle Collins
entrepreneurial_success8.html The 12 Steps (Advice) to Entrepreneurial Success? Dr. Paul E. Adams
data_backup.html Avoiding Computer Hell: Backing up your data Julie King
provincial_links.html Provincial Links for Starting Your Own Business CO Staff
February 2002
bearskin_airlines.html The Bear in the Air Michelle Collins
questionaire.html Strategic Marketing Plan Tool Linda Plater
exporting.html Exporting: The Series Michelle Collins
customer_strategy.html Customer Acquisition: Moving Closer to Smarter Spending Jeff Molander
employment_law.html Employment Law: Wrongful Dismissal & Termination Without Cause MyLegalAnswers
advertising_copy.html Key Questions to Ask Before Writing & Before Testing Advertising Copy Steve Bareham
entrepreneurial_success11.html The 12 Steps to Entrepreneurial Success - Steps 10-12 Dr. Paul E. Adams
legal_questions2.html Legal Q&A;: Answers to four common legal questions MyLegalAnswers
March 2002
fitness_success.html Fit for Success Michelle Collins
canadian_internet_survey.html Is Canada The Wired, Internet Country We're Told It Is? Stewart MacDonald
procrastination.html Don't Put it Off Any Longer: Cure that Procrastination Virus Michelle Collins
management_by_objectives.html Manage Success by Objectives Keith Randall
export_insurance.html Insuring Exports Michelle Collins
business_recovery.html Steps to Survival - How to Save a Sinking Business Dr. Paul E. Adams
business_stability.html Don't Go For Broke Peter Robben
April 2002
jewelry.html Jewelry on Ice Keith Randall
hiring_people.html What's your Biggest Problem? Dr. John Towler
venture_fair.html Shop 'til you Drop, Vencap Style Michelle Collins
business_recovery2.html Steps to Survival - Step Two: Be a Miser! Hoard every Dollar! Dr. Paul E. Adams
out_of_the_box_thinking.html Exactly what is "Thinking outside the box"? Ed Bernacki
exporting.html Collecting your Exporting Dollars Michelle Collins
May 2002
organic_foods.html In Praise of Organic Foods Michelle Collins
canadian_advertising.html Who's Acting On On-Line Advertising In Canada? Stewart MacDonald
mission_statements.html 7 Keys to Creating a Customer Focused Culture Jeff Mowatt
public_speaking.html Public Speaking for Publicity ... Kimberley Langford-Fluet
e-fraud.html Internet Sales Contract Protects e-Consumers Michelle Collins
business_recovery3.html Steps to Survival - Step Three: Pump Up Your Sales Efforts Dr. Paul E. Adams
surveys.html 10 Things To Look For In A "Good" Survey Dr. John Towler
exporting_shipping.html Export Series: Transporting the Goods Michelle Collins
June 2002
original_bug_shirt_company.html Stop Bugging Me Michelle Collins
innovation.html He's in front of the net. He shoots. He scores! Ed Bernacki
competitive_intelligence.html Competitive Intelligence: No longer just for big business Michelle Collins
advisory_committee.html Need Advice? Create an Advisory Committee. Dr. Paul E. Adams
exporting_contracts.html Exporting Contracts: The backbone of your business Michelle Collins
airlines.html Opinion: You Can't Get There from Here Dr. John Towler
July 2002
tourism_profiles.html The Business of Adventures Michelle Collins
technology_investment.html Overcoming Techno-Phobia Nick Tidd
office_redesign.html Time for a Redesign Michelle Collins
employee_firing.html You Don't Work Here Anymore Dr. Paul E. Adams
gutfeeling.html Gutfeeling – the new kid in the boardroom Peter Urs Bender
August 2002
cottage_industries.html Cottage Industries Michelle Collins
search_engine_submissions.html Search Engine Submission Services, Debunked Julie King
communication_overload.html Communication Overload Michelle Collins
capital.html Business Sense - Starting a Business, Need money? Be Careful Where You Get It. Dr. Paul E. Adams
September 2002
christmas_retailing.html Christmas Lasts All Year For Retailers Michelle Collins
small_business_ecommerce.html Small Business E-commerce up by $750 Million in 2002 Julie King
epitaphs.html What Will You Have on Your Tombstone? Peter Urs Bender
incorporation.html Incorporation Aftermath Michelle Collins
budget.html Business Sense: A Budget is a Road Map to Success Dr. Paul E. Adams
automotive_productivity.html Canada Ranks First in North American Automotive Productivity Michelle Collins
October 2002
consultants.html So, You Want to Be a Consultant Michelle Collins
angel_investors.html Angelic Frustration Michelle Collins
marketing_tips.html 11 Marketing Tips for Reviving Your Business Eric Gilboord
inventors.html Turning your Idea into a Business, Part I Michelle Collins & Julie King
communication_sales.html Communication is Really a Part of the 'Sales' Process Bob Hooey
accessing_financing.html Accessing Financing: Changes to the Small Business Loans Act Michelle Collins
advertising.html When You Advertise Keep it Simple and Say it Often! Dr. Paul E. Adams
marketing_turnaround.html Using Marketing To Revive Your Business Eric Gilboord
November 2002
business_success.html Recipe for Success Michelle Collins
crisis_management.html Prevention, Forward Thinking, Key to Crisis Management Adam Bello
inventors2.html Turning your Idea into a Business, Part II Michelle Collins
business_for_sale.html Entrepreneurship - Used Business for Sale Dr. Paul E. Adams
competitors.html 11 Hot Tips For Beating The Competition Eric Gilboord
ad_expenses.html Share Ad Expenses, Boost Profits Will Dylan
effective_writing.html Sailing the Seven C's of Effective Writing Bob Hooey
December 2002
christmas_party.html Seven ways to throw a successful celebration Michelle Collins
woman_entrepreneurs.html Celebrating Woman Entrepreneurs Michelle Collins
counterfeit_money.html Catching counterfeit Michelle Collins
inventors3.html Turning your Idea into a Business Part III: Creating a Plan Michelle Collins
financial_skills.html Some Entrepreneurs Lack Financial Skills Dr. Paul Adams
corporations.html Signing on behalf of the corporation …avoiding personal liability J. Christa Thomas



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