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Vance Air Force Base, OK RadarSkip to side navbar
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Adjacent Radars

Adjacent site to the northwest is Dodge City, KS Adjacent site to the north is Wichita, KS Adjacent site to the northeast is Springfield, MO
Adjacent site to the west is Pueblo, CO VNX Adjacent site to the east is Tulsa, OK
Adjacent site to the southwest is Amarillo, TX Adjacent site to the south is Frederick, OK Adjacent site to the southeast is Oklahoma City, OK (Norman)

Base Reflectivity
Composite Reflectivity

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Oklahoma City, OK Homepage 03:26 AM CST Thu Feb 10th 2005
Oklahoma City, OK Short Range Base Reflectivity

Time and date in red indicates image is at least one hour old.
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National Weather Service, NOAA
1325 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Page Author: NWS Radar Team
Last Modified: October 18, 2004
Southern Region Headquarters