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Home FXTrade Application Programming Inteface (API)

OANDA FXTrade API Client Library

For customers who wish to automate Forex Trading, OANDA has an FXTrade API Client Library available that can be integrated into customer programs to issue trade requests to OANDA FXTrade servers .


The Library makes available an ABI/API that enables customers to programmatically obtain the latest FXTrade rates in real time, switch between sub-accounts, issue trade requests, set and modify stop-loss/take-profit/limit orders, and obtain a history of their transactions. That is, all the functionality that is available on OANDA's FXTrade User Interface becomes available to customer programs.

The Library is linked in to the customer program and implements the OANDA FXTrade protocol, communicating directly with OANDA's FXTrade servers over secure and authenticated Internet sessions.

The Library does not require that the FXTrade User Interface be running at the same time, but the customer may use the FXTrade User Interface to monitor in real time the FXTrade actions taken by the customer program using FXTrade API.


The library has a number of features that make it particularly attractive:

  • Simple to understand API that is intuitive for FXTrade users
  • Provides all information and trading functionality the OANDA FXTrade Platform has to offer
  • Straight-forward to integrate within customer applications
  • Available for the widely used programming languages C++ and Java
  • Uses authenticated sessions over fully encrypted communication channels
  • Stable software with a small memory footprint
  • Testing environment available
Who would benefit from using the FXTrade API Client Library

The usage of the functionality provided by the FXTrade API Client Library is almost unlimited. The following is a partial list of those who would benefit from such a library:

  • Forex brokers who wish to benefit from OANDA's tight spreads for backend hedging
  • Treasuries with frequent Forex dealings that wish to integrate FX trading into their treasury systems
  • Money managers, hedge funds and active traders with trading models that have programming resources available
  • Managers of index products that require consistent hedging of currency exposure
  • Brokers who wish to hedge the Forex exposure of their equity positions
  • Corporations requiring frequent, real-time Forex hedging capabilities
  • Customers who wish to develop their own, customized user interface to OANDA's FXTrade
  • Retail customers developing their proprietary trading models



The OANDA FXTrade API Client Library, as part of OANDA’s FXTrade platform, offers the following advantages and benefits:

  • 7/24 availability
  • Tight spreads and no commissions or charges
  • Immediate execution with full transparency
  • Trade in units, not lots: supports trades as small as $1 or trades with round numbers, such as $12,482 with the same tight spreads
  • Full stop-loss, take-profit, and limit order capabilities with no charges
  • Continuous, second-by-second interest
  • Earn interest on account balance
  • Never lose more than the account balance
  • Multi-currency accounts: currently USD and EUR, and soon: CAD, CHF, GBP, and JPY
  • Real-time trade blotter and P/L calculation
Versions Available

The OANDA FXTrade API Library is available in the following versions:

  • C++ for Solaris
  • C++ for Linux
  • C++ for Windows
  • Java


The customer must have an OANDA FXTrade and FXGame account, and is expected to have staff available with sufficient programming expertise capable of designing and implementing complex computer programs using either C++ or the Java programming language. Moreover, the customer must have available their own computing hardware infrastructure on which their program will run. Finally, the customer will be required to enter into the API License.


OANDA will charge a license fee of $600 per month for the Library. This fee is then discounted by $50 for each $1M in trading volume generated on the FXTrade account per month. Hence, with at least $12M of trading volume per month, the use of the Library is free.


  The license is specific to one FXTrade account and all its sub-accounts, as well as one FXGame account. The latter is used for testing purposes.

Java Sample Code

public class TradeOrder includes the following fields (among others):
• currencyPair
• units
• type
• expiry
• rate
• stopLoss
• takeProfit
• type
• upperBound
• lowerBound
and is used to issue new orders by initializing the fields appropriately and invoking the following method:


Other FXTrade methods include:
• marketClose(int ticketNum)
• marketModify(OpenTrade trade)
• getTrade(int ticketNum)
• limitModify(OpenOrder order)
• getTrade(int ticketNum)
• getRateTable()
• getOpenTrades()
• getOpenOrders()
• getActivityLog()
• getAccountData()

Procedures to get started

  1. Review and sign API's Legal Agreement
  2. OANDA emails out FXGame API Client Library
  3. Customer development and testing on FXGame
  4. OANDA emails out FXTrade API Client Library for production software
  5. Before the FXTrade API Client Library can be used in production, a first trade going through must be monitored by OANDA technical staff to ensure proper behavior, and hence this first trade must be appropriately scheduled.

Please contact us for further information.

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