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Welcome to
Hello and welcome to PortedMods.com. We are dedicated to convert mods from the STANDALONE phpbb forum to portedmods for the PHPNUKE phpbb forum. Please be aware that we always try to answer and solve your Post , but don't expect from us that we are always online and therefor a reply could take a couple of Hours.
Hotlinking: We do not allow that downloads which are on OUR server will be Hotlinked (directly linked from our server. We have ways too find out who is linking too us! You are allowed to put our converted mods and files into your Downloads without the permission of the Portedmods staff except for the files in the Themes category as we also needed permission from the original author. We would however appreciate a banner to our site placed on your website, and keep the copyright intact. You are NOT allowed to hotlink (which is disabled) to downloads in our database as noticed here
Please be aware that we have put alot of energy,time and money in this site and would like some sort of link placed to our site.
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PHP-Nuke Platinum 7.6.0 Released
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Protect yourself, awstats vulnerabillity
102 reads
Credits: VinDSL
Source: Ravenphpscripts forum
Click read more too view a couple solutions
Some of you might know that phpbb.com is down (since the weekend) this is because there were hacked by some brazilian group (which name i REFUSE too name). The group hacked the server where phpbb.com was running on and they messed something up (intentional or non in...
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Harmony: Another free theme
30 reads
Hi all, Kalgash Themes has released a new PUBLIC PhpNuke Theme called Harmony.
Itīs a clean theme with nice colours.
Like all Kalgash themes it comes with matching phpbb Forum Style.
We hope you enjoy it.
Visit us at http://www.kalgash.com
No Registration is required
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38 reads
We have released a new theme called VOID which comes with a matching Forum Template. Great theme for those of you who like Dark Themes. It can be previewed over at LORKAN THEMES. No registration is required. The Void theme will also be available this week with the collapsing blocks.
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American Nuke Net Celebrates 2500 Members!
33 reads
Celebrate with http://am-nuke.net Am-Nuke-Net, they have received over 2500 members since July 2004 and have one of the most sought after Php-Nuke E-zines with colorful graphic, contests, free themes. The site lets authors upload their and Php-nuke themes and programs as well as having plenty of opportunity for members to advertize their sites.
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105 reads
-Cash addon for Arcade.* (Win for playing and charge for playing.)
-Scrolling Victories (Adds victories in Forum under Players Avatar.)
-Arcade under Forums. (Add Arcade as a channel to your forums.)
-Arcade Thread (Addes a message box under the game being played.)
-Arcade Rate Game (Addes a box to the Arcade where you can rate the game.)
-Arcade Menu (Adds a pulldown menu with all games to your forum header.)
* - requires Cashmod.
These mods are a collection of Acrade tweaks/mods fo...
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Buy Style Demo System as seen here
What is your sites google pagerank (main page?)