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Fairfield Place - Shreveport, Louisiana Bed & Breakfast



Welcome to Shreveport, Louisiana's

First and Most Elegant Bed and Breakfast Inn
Fairfield Place Bed and Breakfast Inn
2221 Fairfield Avenue
Shreveport, LA 71104

(Voice) 318-222-0048
(Fax) 318-226-0631


We are more than just a cozy inn in the beautiful Fairfield-Highland historic district.

Our inn is the ideal place for corporate and leisure travelers.

Victorian Rooms to Luxury Suites.

Janie Lipscomb, Keeper of the Inn and her staff offer a great variety of services.

Fairfield Place is an elegant, relaxing and smoke free alternative to standard lodging.

Our inn is the ideal lodging for out of town visitors here for special occasions and holidays.

We offer the best of both worlds; private baths, phone, fax, and cable in a serene and casually elegant setting.


Our guests tell us they sleep better here than at home!

Fairfield Place has many other services that may meet your needs for special occasions and holidays. We do wonderful luncheons, buffets and parties.

We also do corporate breakfasts and lunches for office and organization meetings.

Our service is custom designed for your occasion.


Fairfield Place Bed and Breakfast Inn
is that Special Somewhere!



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Fairfield Place Bed and Breakfast Inn

Give us a call and make your reservations today.

"Breathe easy in our completely smoke free environment."

Janie Lipscomb, Keeper of the Inn and Staff

2221 Fairfield Avenue
Shreveport, LA 71104
(Fax) 318-226-0631


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