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SEO Glossary
By Patrick Gavin, Inc.

Algorithm - The formula that determines how a web page will rank in the search results pages of a search engine.

ALT text - The text that appears when you put your mouse on top of an image or a picture.

Anchor Text - Also known as Link Text, the clickable text of a hyperlink.

Below the fold - Content of a web page that is not seen by the consumer unless the consumer scrolls down.

Blind Traffic - Low quality traffic generated by misleading banners or SPAM.

Clustering - In search engine search results pages, clustering is limiting each represented website to one or two listings.

CPA - Cost Per Action.

CPC - Cost Per Click.

CPM - Cost per 1,000 impressions.

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets.

CTR - Click Through Ratio.

Doorway Page - A web page designed to draw in Internet traffic from search engines, and then direct this traffic to another website.

EPV - Earnings Per Visitor.

Filter Words - Words such as is, am, were, was, the, for, do, ETC, that search engines deem irrelevant for indexing purposes.

Hit - A single access request made to the server.

IBL - Inbound Link. A link from another site to your site.

LS - LookSmart

ODP - The Open Directory Project (

Outbound Link - A link from a page of your site to another site.

Page Views - The number of times distinct pages of a website are served.

PPC - Pay Per Click.

Query - The execution of a search on a search engine.

RFP - Request for Proposal.

ROI - Return ob Investment.

SE - Search engine.

SEM - Search engine marketing.

SEO - Search engine optimization.

SEP - Search engine placement.

SERP - Search Engine (Search) Results Page.

Stemming - Word variations. For example, if I entered the query "swim", a search engine that supports stemming might return results that include "swimming" or "swims".

Stop Word - A word which is ignored in a query because the word is so commonly used that it makes no contribution to relevancy. Examples are common net words such as computer and web, and general words like get, I, me, the and you.

Unique Visitor - An instance of a unique site connecting to your server.

URL - Universal Resource Locator.

USP - Unique Selling Proposition. Sometimes mistakenly defined as Unique Selling Point. The Unique Selling Proposition concept was first developed by Rosser Reeves of the Ted Bates Agency. It states that in order for advertising to be effective, it must address three elements:


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