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As the divorce rate exceeds 50% and the death rate of children rises from abuse and neglect, one has to wonder what is contributing to the hurt in relationships in our country.

Road rage, assault, and other forms of relationship dischord are on the rise.

Children are left to figure out life problems without consistent guidance from exhausted parents.

More and more children are not meeting developmental milestones, which means more and more children are becoming adults that are not relating to others in healthy ways.

More and more children are murdering other children and adults and have presented their own stories of being harrassed and hurt during their development.

Do you know of children or adults that cannot reciprocate love, respect, and honesty in a relationship?

Do you experience problems showing love and respect to another person?

This book is a very unique relationship book that will address these hard-hitting issues in relationships including dating advice.

Jay Krunszyinsky has provided relationship advice and insight to others by helping them to recognize and repair hurtful relationships in his roles as a Juvenile Probation Officer, Case Manager, Therapist, Behavioral Specialist Consultant and Administrator for numerous human service agencies. He holds a Masters degree in Counseling and is a Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner and Abuse Investigator for the state of Pennsylvania. With the horrors of daily news as a backdrop, Jay Krunszyinsky brings experience and education to his relationship book that is based on a solid belief in the teaching of right and wrong, good and bad, love, honesty, truth and respect. With his relationship advice, Krunszyinsky blasts the "Feel-Good" morality that leaves children to determine right and wrong by social customs and adults lost in a world of addictions, violence, and abusive behavior.

Krunszyinsky´s relationship book also speaks to each person in a relationship as to how his or her subtle hurtful behavior can wound the soul as much as physical or sexual abuse. This book is unique from other books about relationships by outlining how negative messages, codependency, perfectionism, and other factors can cause individuals to miss developmental milestones and act in hurtful ways. The author addresses how a person can evaluate his or her ability to show love, respect, and honesty in each developmental stage and ways to acquire the skills to demonstrate these three virtues in each stage. Krunszyinsky outlines how an adult can help a child gain these vital relationship skills in each stage of life. In writing this relationship book, Krunszyinsky hopes to change a trend where adults are engaging in immature behavior and hurting others at an increasing rate. He is available for interview.

Seeking forgiveness begins with "I'm Sorry." In this book, Jay Krunszyinsky weaves you through a meriad of thoughts, ideas and real-life examples and presents solutions that work. An excellent read! - Larry James,, Author, "How to Really Love the One You're With"

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"Let Love, Respect, and Honesty
Guide Your Relationship"

Purchase I´m Sorry
by Jay Krunszyinsky

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Pedophilia, rape, and other horrific acts of hurt are in the national spotlight. When these and the more subtle forms of hurt are not acknowledged as absolute wrongs, persons can go through their lives confused about the concepts of right and wrong, as well as, good and bad. Jay Krunszyinsky has created a system for children, adolescents, and adults to process hurt and develop healthy relationships with the use of the virtues of honesty, love, and respect. This system of relationship development and healing differs from conventional books about relationships and dating advice. The system of virtues and atonement described in this book will help the reader to develop an understanding of the truth surrounding healthy and unhealthy relationships and will provide advice and be a guide for parents, couples, teachers, counselors, clergy, or anyone who touches the life of another human being. This book provides the reader a journey to the truth about relationships and finding happiness in one´s life. This relationship book will enlighten the reader while showing how powerful sorrow and atonement can be in helping people make sense of a chaotic world. Listed below are links to sites where I´m Sorry and other books about relationships can be purchased.

Find my book online with other books about relationships and dating advice at

Purchase my book right from the publisher and receive a 10% discount at Word Association is a great site to purchase my book and other hard to find books while finding out more information about the authors behind them.

"I´m Sorry"
Repairing a Hurtful Relationship

by Jay Krunszyinsky

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"Have you ever searched for a good feeling through sex, drugs,
material possessions, or open expressions of anger or rage?"

This is just one of many questions used by Krunszyinsky as he leads readers through a journey of self-discovery and redirection in their own lives, and the lives of their children. This book about relationships provides relationship advice to each person in a relationship because each of us have brought about hurt to another person.

To the public schools, Krunszyinsky urges that they adopt a system that helps students define and evaluate acceptable behavior as he offers a clear and precise method for doing so.

To parents, he outlines a plan for negotiating behavioral expectations with children and teaching them a daily habit of evaluation and atonement.

To couples, his book about relationships outlines behavioral expectations to help them regain their ability to express love, respect, and honesty to one another and he provides relationship advice as to how to express these virtues.

Finally, I´m Sorry gives the great gift of wisdom rich enough to teach the reader how to leave this life with few regrets.

Jay Krunszyinsky has written a passionate book on practical morality, in which he maps out a system to help develop core personal virtues by making acts of atonement whenever we fail other people. He is not concerned to argue the merits of his system against other forms of morality, but aims to convince by the clarity of his system and the wealth of illustrations he provides for different stages of personal development.

The book will inspire anyone who genuinely wants to grow as a good, moral person, someone who wants to fulfil their life by improving other peoples' lives. I also sense it will speak particularly clearly to men, since it's such a 'hands-on' approach to relationship issues and personal growth, areas where women normally feel more comfortable.

~Review by Dr Andrew Knock
visit the ForgivenessNet website at

For the detailed version of this review, visit the Author Page of this website.

Andrew Knock was born in London, and has lived in Scotland for over 30 years. He came to Christianity in his mid-twenties, following an interest in Buddhism, and has subsequently found immense value in most religious paths and traditions. His fundamental life questions always seem to centre on the dimension of spirituality, and he finds the "'road less travelled" to be usually the most enlarging. He spent 20 years working as a church minister (Episcopal/Anglican), writer, conference speaker, worship leader and consultant with various church groups in Scotland, England and Northern Ireland. He has also taught in Zambia, South Africa, the Republic of Ireland, and the USA, and visited many other countries.

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Meditations from I'm Sorry

Taken from the chapter: Spirituality For Adults In Crisis

"Being Moral Means That You Always Need To Say You're Sorry"

Meditation 1

How You Feel Is Not Necessarily Who You Are

This daily thought is a great meditation for person who begins to associate his bad feelings with the type of person he is. Have you experienced hurt in your childhood? If you think that a bad feeling is a reflection of your personality, you are making this connection through irrational thoughts. Once you begin to see that your bad feelings are separate from your personality, you can begin to allow those bad feelings to exist and not be so inclined to look for quick fixes to feel good again.

People are drawn to chemical substances or other instant pleasures because their irrational thoughts have given them bad feelings. During this meditation, reflect on the day´s thoughts and actions that contributed to your feeling bad. Spend time looking at how you came to the conclusion that you are a bad person due to these feelings. Was this evaluation of your behavior based on how you demonstrated love, respect, and honesty?

Initially, you will associate your bad feelings with morally relative themes. Maybe you do not have a big house, a sports car, or the job that you want. Maybe you think your life has not measured up to what is depicted in romance novels or the movies. How will your pursuit of these symbols of happiness improve your relationship? Will you go from a bad person to a good person once you attain these status symbols? This meditation can help you to identify the source of your bad feelings.

Allow yourself to feel bad, but also look at how this feeling has impacted your ability to demonstrate the virtues outlined in this book. Let this be a signal that you are not looking to an absolute morality to guide your relationship.

Meditation 2

How Someone Makes You Feel Is Not Necessarily Who They Are

This meditation is similar to the first. You are reflecting on how you evaluate other people with whom you come in contact. Many times people will share their views or provide feedback that may cause you to feel sad, happy, elated, or hurt. You may often make the mistake of evaluating others by the feelings they provoke within you. This can cause you to act in irrational ways based on irrational assumptions. On what are you basing your feelings when you interact with another person? When someone makes you feel good or bad, what did he do to provoke this feeling? Does this automatically make him a good or bad person? You may be surprised how many times you have dismissed a person in your life because of his honesty. The truth can hurt if you are not ready to accept it. You may have dismissed an honest, trusting relationship because your evaluation of that relationship was based on irrational thoughts. This meditation can help you to assess a person according to the virtue system outlined in this book. Think about what another person said to you and how the statement made you feel. On what did you base your conclusions about this person? If he was being honest and respectful, were you angry at the truth? Were you thinking other irrational thoughts? If you can answer these questions, you will get a clearer picture of what is making you feel the way you do. You might not like it when others make you accountable for your actions. Sometimes you simply may not like someone´s communication style or way of life. It is important for you to remember that how a person makes you feel may not represent the type of person that he is. He may actually be a very honest, respectful, and loving person.

This is also true for those individuals who make you feel good. Look at why he is making you feel good. Is he being dishonest with you by telling you what you want to hear? Is he demonstrating respect and love to you? Would an alcoholic´s best friend be someone who went out to a bar with him? How do you think this same person would react if you told him that he had a drinking problem? This meditation will challenge your irrational thinking and allow you to reflect on how the virtue system can guide you in a relationship.

Meditations 3 and 4
Meditations 5 and 6
Meditations 7 and 8
Meditations 9 and 10

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