The Wayback Machine -
Buddy Icons
AIM Buddy Icons
- Animals
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- Cars
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- Food
- Games
- Holiday
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- Music
- Naughty
- Object
- People
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- Smiley
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- Seasonal
- Violent

- Buddy Icon DB
- Punk Icons
- Rock Buddy
- Buddy Icon Site
- Free Smileys

Music Fan Sites
- Hoobastank
- Good Charlotte
- Nickelback
- Avril Lavigne
- New Found Glory
- Linkin Park

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Welcome to!

We have a huge selection here at of over two thousand AIM Buddy icons. They are all organized into categories listed at the left. Have fun!

To install an AIM Buddy Icon on this site, simply click the icon of your choice and Instant Messenger should install it automatically.

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