Antique Radio Schematics and Capacitors - JustRadios
We specialize in antique radio schematics and capacitors for old vintage tube radios. We carry schematic diagrams and electronic circuit service information for American, Canadian and European antique radios.
American Antique Radio Schematics Do you need a schematic diagram for your USA made antique radio. Good. We specialize in
schematic diagrams and electronic circuit service information for old vintage tube radios. We carry schematics for
American made Philco, RCA Victor, Zenith, Westinghouse, Motorola,
Admiral, Emerson, General Electric / GE, Sparton, Stromberg-Carlson, Airline, Crosley, Emerson, etc.
Please see below for a
complete list of brands. |
How to Order Schematics Easy…
email us
4 things …make, chassis and/or model number,
approximate year and country where your old tube radio was made. We will let you know if we have schematic. Cost per schematic is $5 US or $7
Canadian ppd. Checks, MO or PO are fine and should payable to: Paypal is also fine payable to our email address: |
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... starting with: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
A Addisons which are very collectible in the United States, were made in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in the 1940's and 50's. For those or you who restore or collect these beauties, we have compiled a manual of Complete Addison Service Information.
Admiral was founded as the Continental Radio and Television Corporation in1934 by four investors who sold their belongings to raise capital. With good sets at affordable prices Admiral ranked # 5 in sales in the late 1930's. Unfortunately, because of off shore competition the company was forced to close in 1979.
Airline was the brand name of Montgomery Ward's radio line. Airlines were 2'nd only to Sears Silvertone in mail order sales. Airline sets were made by several companies for Wards, including Wells-Gardner, Davidson-Hayes and US Radio and TV Corp. |
ABC Radio Laboratories |
B |
Baldwin, Nathaniel and Co. |
C The Crosley company was founded in 1921 by Powel Crosley. He believed he should offer the consumer a good quality set at the lowest possible price. He called his sets the "Model T's" of radios. In 1923 Crosley bought out Precision Equipment. The company enjoyed success until the late 1920's. |
C.R.C. / CRC |
D |
Dayfan |
E Emerson was founded in 1923. To keep prices low during the depression, they began to produce "midget" radios and consistently geared their sales to lower income customers. Their marketing strategy worked and Emerson became one of the leaders in sales. |
Earl |
F |
Fada |
G General Electric began making radios in 1919 and marketed them through RCA until 1930, when they started to use their own GE trademark on their sets. |
Galvin (Motorola) |
H |
Hallicrafters |
I |
Imperial |
J |
JE Jenkins and S.E. Adair |
K |
Kaar |
L |
L and L Electric |
M Motorola was the brand name used by Galvin Manufacturing which was founded by Paul Galvin in 1928. Galvin started out making power supplies and then branched into auto and home radios, becoming one of the largest producers in the USA. |
Macy |
N |
Nash-Kelvinator |
O |
Oak Manufacturing |
P Philco was born in 1906 as the Philadelphia Storage Battery Company, a maker of batteries and power supplies. In 1927, Philco made its first receivers and from there grew to be one of the largest of all wireless manufacturers. |
Pacent Engineering |
Q |
R RCA was formed in 1919 and soon became one of the largest distributors of radios. RCA was a pioneer of early broadcasting and began the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). Their mascot "Nipper" was featured in many logos listening at the horn of "his master's voice". |
R.C.A. Victor / RCA / RCA Victor |
S Sparton (Sparks-Withington) began making radios in 1926. Their introduction of Deco-styled radios in the 1930's make Spartons very popular among Deco collectors.
Stromberg-Carlson was formed in 1894 to produce telephone equipment. Soon they were making radio parts and by 1923 complete units. Stromberg Carlson was well known for its' commitment to quality its products often called the "Rolls Royce" of radio. |
Samson |
T |
Taffet |
U |
Ultramar |
V |
W Westinghouse sold it line through RCA until 1930. Westinghouse is well known for its slogan "You Can Be Sure if it is a Westinghouse". |
Walgreen |
Y |
Z Zenith began as Chicago Radio Labs in 1918. The name "Zenith" came from the station call letters of its founder - 9ZN. Zenith black dial sets of the 1930's are highly sought today. |
Other JustRadios Schematics Services
Schematics for Canadian Antique Radios: Canadian schematics are one of our specialties. We have an excellent supply of original FACTORY schematics and service notes for brands such as Canadian General Electric / CGE, Rogers Majestic, Philco, RCA Victor, DeForest Crosley, Marconi, Stewart Warner, Viking, Phonola, Electrohome, Westinghouse and Northern Electric. We also carry all RCC (Radio College of Canada) circuit diagrams. RCC is the Canadian equivalent of Riders. RCC data is not as through as factory service information, so we always provide you with factory service data when available. Visit us at Canadian Antique Radio Schematics - JustRadios.
Schematics for European / German Antique Radios: We carry wiring diagrams for vintage European valve radio makes such as AEG, Telefunken, Blaupunkt, Emud, Korting, Loewe, Opta, Philips, Mende, Bell, FNR, Schaub, Lorenz, Krischker, Lange, Loewe, Lumpophon, Kapsch and SRB, to name a few. Visit us at European Antique Radio Schematics - JustRadios
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Vintage Car Radio Schematics
Canadian Home Radio Schematics
European Valve Radio Schematics
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Early Transistor Radio Circuit Diagrams
Vintage PA and Audio Amplifier Schematics and Service Data
This page was last updated on December 1, 2004.