ANGLING LIAISON COMMITTEE Established in 1977 to co-ordinate the views of sea anglers The Sea Angling Liaison Committee of Great Britain and Ireland is made up of representatives from the English (NFSA), Irish (IFSA), Scottish (SFSA) and Welsh (WFSA) Federations' of Sea Anglers. It was established in 1977 and its present chairman is Mr Hugh O'Rorke. SALC's terms of reference are to be responsible for the collating and representing the views of the recognised governing bodies of sea angling in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Its aims and objectives are to represent the views of sea anglers in the United Kingdom and Ireland on any appropriate national or international sea angling or sea fisheries issues to any organisations or individuals to whom representation should be made; to liaise with other national sea angling organisations of other countries and to promote such liaison and cooperation; also to advise on any sea angling or sea fishing issues. The committee was initially serviced by the National Anglers' Council until its demise in 1992 when this responsibility was transferred to the NFSA, and Mr David Rowe is the current Secretary. SALC is funded by annual contributions from the member federations. Issues over the years include:
Contact addresses of the Four Member Nations are:
National Federation of Sea Anglers - NFSA©