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We wrote the book on troubled kids. And we teach the class.

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Motivation-Makers (Click to view)
Violence & Anger-Busters (Click to view)
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We can Help.

    The Youth Professional's
    Problem-Kid Problem-Solver

The Internet's Largest Source of Solutions to
Turnaround Troubled Youth & Children

- Serving Youth Professionals and Para-Professionals -
(Not a youth professional? Click here.)

at risk workshop

If your training prepared you to work with Beaver Cleaver, but your kids act more like Beavis and Butthead,our answer-packed workshops and problem-stopping resources are the real-world solutions you've been searching for.

Our interventions are so good, we want you to see them yourself, so be sure to order our F R E E Lesson Samples & F R E E monthly Problem-Kid Problem-Solver Internet Magazine (click here.)

We've amassed the best answers that exist. We have attention-grabbing solutions to stop or manage youth violence, school failure, truancy, dropping out, family problems, poor motivation, Aspergers behaviors, apathy, bad attitudes, attachment disorder, ADHD, depression, withdrawal, peer conflict, classroom misbehavior, dropping out, independent living, anger control problems, delinquency, severe emotional problems, independent living, and even "girl's problems" like teen pregnancy. It's information that no contemporary youth professional can safely be without.

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Problem-Kid Problem-Solvers

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Got problem kids? Our live and distance learning workshops are the Problem-Kid Problem-Solvers, packed with 200 powerful, ready-to-use answers, plus FREE Clock Hours and $42 College Credit

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Get the newest and best solutions that exist for school problems, special ed students, juvenile offenders, discipline problems impulsivity, substance abuse, misbehavior, apathy, abuse, violence & more!

workshop for teaching staff SOLUTION CENTER
Packed with All-Time Favorite Interventions, solution-filled Newsletters, Answers to Your Kid Problems, and many more must-have solutions. "A" to "Z", from ADD to Zero Interest in School, we can help.

Bring our workshop to your site and train your entire team. On-site classes make great fund raisers when you charge others to attend your event. Build skills and your budget!

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This workshop delivers immediate, more effective solutions-- solutions that you can't get anywhere else. What kind of year will it be without these problem-stopping answers?

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Need answers now? Here's immediate solutions to turnaround your "worst kid problems". Just a few clicks can solve it all. Working with difficult youth doesn't have to be so difficult.

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FREE sample interventions and FREE monthly Problem-Kid Problem-Solver magazine. Our interventions are so good we want you to see them for yourself.

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We have so many solutions that most problem areas are covered on many pages. Don't miss any answers for out-of-control, unmanageable, depressed, or difficult children and adolescents

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License our workshop and offer it in your region. This limited opportunity is available only to select, talented, veteran youth professionals with years of work with troubled children

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We're easy to reach by phone, e-mail, fax or mail. Whether you seek better techniques, staff development, on-site inservice, conference keynotes or presentations, books, tapes or DVDs, we can help

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Free access to Subscriber pages with expanded content and handouts when you order free samples and our free monthly Problem-Kid Problem-Solver magazine. The first issue has access link. Subscribe here.

      The Answers to Your Questions .

      Q: My kids have so many problems. How do I know where to start?
      A: First, make a list of all the problems you see. It may be a long list. Include any concerns including attendance, punctuality, attitude, school failure, family problems, issues of adolescence, "bad" behavior, boredom, classroom disruption, discipline problems, fearful children, EBD (emotionally behaviorally disturbed), SED (severely emotionally disturbed), kids in pain, neglect, loss, peer conflict, hyperactivity, hostility, juvenile delinquency, mental health/coping problems, social issues, fighting, or any area that is difficult to manage. Next, prioritize those problems. For example, issues such as student attendance or conflict resolution might be key for a teacher. A counselor, social worker or psychologist might focus on the child's fear. You select your key concerns that make it difficult for you to accomplish your particular mission with the child. Limit your focus to the top 3 to 6 issues then begin to remedy those concerns first. You will probably want to go to many pages throughout our site as many of our pages will have your solutions. For example, if you are concerned about motivation, you could proceed to our Maximum-Strength Motivation-Maker Newsletter, or you might instead head to our Books Resource Area to purchase one of our many books on transforming apathetic students into motivated ones. Temper and anger problems are also covered in our Books Area but there is key information many other places, for example, at our Must-Have Violence Prevention Tools Area. Be sure not to miss our Temper and Tantrum Tamers book (shown below) if you want immediate solutions for anger and aggression. You will find that single problem areas show up on many different pages so be sure not to miss any part of our huge site. Our live and distance learning classes are your most comprehensive source of help. Plus, youth professionals can call about any coping, school or social problem facing a child or teen: 1-800-545-5736, or just click here for Live Expert Help We can help with both your boys and girls, and all different ages, K-12 elementary, secondary, high school grades, plus Job Corps' and independent living programs' older adolescents and young adults. We have the lesson plans, curriculum, training workshops and on-site inservice classes that you need so working with difficult kids doesn't have to be so difficult.

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 violent, teens
Book details       Poster details                    

      The Answers to Your Questions

      Q: For multi-problem kids, are there key problem areas that must be addressed first or as soon as possible?
      A: Absolutely. The first area that we always recommend you consider is safety, but not just for conduct disordered, anti-social, oppositional, defiant, angry, violent, impulsive types of youngsters. Remember to also consider safety issues for your depressed, withdrawn, abused, neglected, thought disordered, anxious, troubled, runaway and alcoholic/addicted children, including kids in crisis. Also remember the safety issues faced by those children who are gesturing or suicidal, pregnant girls, teen parents, and those adolescents and children who have severe emotional or family problems. This guideline holds true for teachers, principals, court workers, justice workers, foster parents, recreation workers, case managers, and mentors. You don't have to be trained as a social worker, counselor, psychologist or mental health worker to incur an obligation to keep all kids safe. All youth workers have that obligation, regardless of their training, job title, or the mission of their site. The second problem area that we recommend you consider addressing as soon as possible is attendance and punctuality. Why? If you are the best teacher, counselor or special educator-- whatever your job-- it doesn't matter how talented and effective you are if that kid isn't in your classroom or office. You work no miracles on a child who is at home. You teach nothing to a child who is absent. The time to start teaching attendance and punctuality is Day 1, Week 1 of your contact with the child. If a child is absent, nothing else you do that day really matters for that child. Our All-Time Favorite Lessons book (shown below) includes innovative strategies for many of these critical starting points, plus much more.

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                                    Book details

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    *Youth Workers ONLY. (Not a youth worker? Click here.)

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     Temper & Tantrum Tamers           Last Chance School Success Guide
The solutions you've been searching for. $13 each.

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or call 1-800-545-5736 to order. Click on book for details.

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