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White Oak Planatation Lodge

White Oak Plantation Alabama trophy deer turkey quail shooting hunting Whitetail bucks

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Quail Hunting at White Oak Plantation

Preserve Quail Hunts 2004-2005
October 19 - December 22
February 1 - March 10

Quail Hunting at White Oak is considered a gentleman's sport!Quail Hunting at White Oak is considered a gentleman's sport!

Quail hunters begin their hunt later in morning and stop well before the sun goes down. After the dew is off the ground, hunters will load into the quail wagon and proceed to the quail fields. The wagons will hold a maximum of six hunters, although only two hunters will shoot on each covey rise. Experienced dog handlers and good working dogs always provide an exciting day in the field.

White Oak's quail fields are managed for maximum native bird production. In addition, pen raised, flight conditioned birds are released on a regular basis. Extra birds will be released immediately before a hunt.

Prices Effective October 1, 2004
Two minimum quail hunters per hunt

White Oak Shooting Members receive a 10% discount on all quail hunts.

White Oak's quail fields are managed for maximum native bird production.Overnight Package Hunt

  • Two hunts, overnight lodging, 3 meals, refreshments, 15 cleaned birds
  • $535.00 per person per day
  • $150.00 extra fee if hunts are not scheduled on the same day.

Full Day Hunt

  • Two hunts, lunch, refreshments, 15 cleaned birds
  • $435.00 per person per day

Half Day Hunt

  • One hunt, either morning or afternoon, refreshments, 10 cleaned birds
  • $335.00 per person per day

Combinatination Quail/Deer Hunt

  • $335.00 per person per day
    (Price quoted is in addition to the cost of 3 or 4 day deer hunt.