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There are several types of corkers available. We highly recommend a floor corker with jaws that compress the cork like an iris. Other corkers (twin lever, single lever, and compression corkers) rely on human muscles to compress the cork and push it into the bottles.
Iris jaw floor corkers, while more expensive, use simple levers and mechanical advantage to carefully compress the corks and insert them precisely into the bottles. Also, they hold the bottles steady in a spring-Ioaded base. They are really worth the extra money.  GO HERE FOR MORE ABOUT USING CORKERS.
Inserts corks with little effort. All steel construction is adjustable to any bottle size and provides lifetime service. Easy, one screw assembly sets up in minutes. Spring loaded pedistal holds bottle in place while special crimping jaws squeeze corks down to the size of a pencile. Insertion deepth is easly adjusted. The floor corker is a precision designed, well constructed corking machine, and with proper care and maintenance will last for many thousands of bottles. Things to remember when using your corker are: 
  • Clean and dry your floor corker at the end of every bottling day. Water can pool up inside the mechanism, resulting in corrosion--especially if the water has sulfites in it. 
  • Don't over-soak your corks. Twenty minutes is more than enough time. Corks that have soaked up too much liquid will release it inside the mechanism when squeezed by the jaws and fluid pooling on the inside of the machine will corrode it. 
  • If the corks are going too far into the bottles, or wind up sticking out above the neck, adjust the cork depth with the knurled ring threaded onto the corking finger . Corks should be just below flush with the lip of the bottle. 
  • Lubricate the jaws with a small amount of Petrol-Gel. Do not use vegetable oil as it will attract too much dirt and gum up the jaws. Do not use WD 40 as the solvents and propellants in the material will slowly dissolve the plastic jaws and WD 40 is not safe for human consumption should it come in contact with the corks. 
  • Occasionally lubricate other moving parts (i.e.; those that do not come into contact with the cork) with WD 40 to prevent sticking. 
  • If the shaft that holds up the bottle platform sticks or won't spring back up when the corking arm is released, tighten the two small nuts on the bottom of the platform tensioning arm. 
  • If your corker malfunctions or sticks, be extremely cautious about taking it apart . The jaw mechanisms are held in place by powerful springs and can leap out when the cover is removed and/or deliver a nasty pinch to unwary fingers. 

    Hand held corker. Order our #8 wine corks for use with this corker.
    For light duty. Order our #8 wine corks for use with this corker.
    copyright 2004 J.R.Leverentz
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