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 Sunday 13 Feb 2005 3:53:03 PM Online:

WebSavvy Directory utilizes a FULLTEXT MySQL MyISAM database.

Search Tips:

  • Searches can be done using and, not, or, and " " quotes.

    • A search for: cookies not oatmeal ... would return results for all cookies, except oatmeal.

    • A search for: cookies and chocolate ... would return results for only chocolate cookies.

    • A search for: peanutbutter or almond cookies would return results for either/or peanutbutter cookies and almond cookies.

    • A search for cookie "recipes" not chocolate would return results for cookie recipes that are not chocolate.

  • Searches involving stop words:

    • A search for web rank would return 0 results because both words are in the stop words list by default. To bring up results with those keywords you would need to search using quotes in this manner "web rank" in order to get results.

    • A search for seo forums would return just results with the keyword forums listed because the keyword seo contains 3 letters and is ignored. To return results for this search term you would need to use the search term search engine forums.

Understanding Relevance:

Relevance is calculated upon the number of words in the index, the number of unique words in each record, the total number of words in both the index and the result, as well as the weight of the word (for the average English sentence, the word 'high' will be weighted less, and therefore have a lower relevance, than the word 'autobiography').

Standard features of a FULLTEXT search:

  • Excludes partial words.
  • Excludes words less than 4 characters in length (3 or less).
  • Hyphenated words are treated as two words.
  • Results are returned in order of relevance, descending.
  • Words in the stopword list (common words) are also excluded from the search results.
  • Supports natural language query as well as boolean query.

Stop Words List:

a, a's, able, about, above, according, accordingly, across, actually, after, afterwards, again, against, ain't, all, allow, allows, almost, alone, along, already, also, although, always, am, among, amongst, an, and, another, any, anybody, anyhow, anyone, anything, anyway, anyways, anywhere, apart, appear, appreciate, appropriate, are, aren't, around, as, aside, ask, asking, associated, at, available, away, awfully, b, be, became, because, become, becomes, becoming, been, before, beforehand, behind, being, believe, below, beside, besides, best, better, between, beyond, both, brief, but, by, c, c'mon, c's, came, can, can't, cannot, cant, cause, causes, certain, certainly, changes, clearly, co, com, come, comes, concerning, consequently, consider, considering, contain, containing, contains, corresponding, could, couldn't, course, currently, d, definitely, described, despite, did, didn't, different, do, does, doesn't, doing, don't, done, down, downwards, during, e, each, edu, eg, eight, either, else, elsewhere, enough, entirely, especially, et, etc, even, ever, every, everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere, ex, exactly, example, except, f, far, few, fifth, first, five, followed, following, follows, for, former, formerly, forth, four, from, further, furthermore, g, get, gets, getting, given, gives, go, goes, going, gone, got, gotten, greetings, h, had, hadn't, happens, hardly, has, hasn't, have, haven't, having, he, he's, hello, help, hence, her, here, here's, hereafter, hereby, herein, hereupon, hers, herself, hi, him, himself, his, hither, hopefully, how, howbeit, however, i, i'd, i'll, i'm, i've, ie, if, ignored, immediate, in, inasmuch, inc, indeed, indicate, indicated, indicates, inner, insofar, instead, into, inward, is, isn't, it, it'd, it'll, it's, its, itself, j, just, k, keep, keeps, kept, know, knows, known, l, last, lately, later, latter, latterly, least, less, lest, let, let's, like, liked, likely, little, look, looking, looks, ltd, m, mainly, many, may, maybe, me, mean, meanwhile, merely, might, more, moreover, most, mostly, much, must, my, myself, n, name, namely, nd, near, nearly, necessary, need, needs, neither, never, nevertheless, new, next, nine, no, nobody, non, none, noone, nor, normally, not, nothing, novel, now, nowhere, o, obviously, of, off, often, oh, ok, okay, old, on, once, one, ones, only, onto, or, other, others, otherwise, ought, our, ours, ourselves, out, outside, over, overall, own, p, particular, particularly, per, perhaps, placed, please, plus, possible, presumably, probably, provides, q, que, quite, qv, r, rather, rd, re, really, reasonably, regarding, regardless, regards, relatively, respectively, right, s, said, same, saw, say, saying, says, second, secondly, see, seeing, seem, seemed, seeming, seems, seen, self, selves, sensible, sent, serious, seriously, seven, several, shall, she, should, shouldn't, since, six, so, some, somebody, somehow, someone, something, sometime, sometimes, somewhat, somewhere, soon, sorry, specified, specify, specifying, still, sub, such, sup, sure, t, t's, take, taken, tell, tends, th, than, thank, thanks, thanx, that, that's, thats, the, their, theirs, them, themselves, then, thence, there, there's, thereafter, thereby, therefore, therein, theres, thereupon, these, they, they'd, they'll, they're, they've, think, third, this, thorough, thoroughly, those, though, three, through, throughout, thru, thus, to, together, too, took, toward, towards, tried, tries, truly, try, trying, twice, two, u, un, under, unfortunately, unless, unlikely, until, unto, up, upon, us, use, used, useful, uses, using, usually, v, value, various, very, via, viz, vs, w, want, wants, was, wasn't, way, we, we'd, we'll, we're, we've, welcome, well, went, were, weren't, what, what's, whatever, when, whence, whenever, where, where's, whereafter, whereas, whereby, wherein, whereupon, wherever, whether, which, while, whither, who, who's, whoever, whole, whom, whose, why, will, willing, wish, with, within, without, won't, wonder, would, would, wouldn't, x, y, yes, yet, you, you'd, you'll, you're, you've, your, yours, yourself, yourselves, z, zero

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