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HEAD OFFICE: Hamlyn House, Mardle Way, Buckfastliegh, Devon, England.  TQ11 0NS
Tel +44 (01364) 644643    Fax +44 (01364) 644486    E-mail

We have a commitment to treating people fairly and one of our key objectives is to make the National Federation of Sea Anglers accessible to all.  The information on this form will provide us with baseline statistics, which will enable monitoring and evaluation to take place in line with Government requirements. 

It would be most helpful if you would complete this form fully: please be assured all information is strictly confidential.

Ethnic Origin

Please choose one category from A to E and then tick the appropriate button to indicate your cultural background:

A White British  
    Any other white background (Please type in below)
B Mixed White and Black Caribbean  
    White and Black African  
    White and Asian  
    Any other mixed background (Please type in below)
C Asian & Asian British Indian  
    Any other Asian background (Please type in below)
D Black or Black British Caribbean  
    Any other Black background (Please type in below)
E Chinese or other ethnic group Chinese  
    Other (Please type in below)

Please type here



The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines a disabled person as anyone with a ‘physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long term adverse effect upon his/her ability to carry out normal day to day activities’.

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?   Yes    No

If yes, what is the nature of that disability ? 
(You may wish to use one of the following categories: visually impaired; hearing impaired; physical disability; learning disability; multiple disability)


Please indicate whether you are:   Male    Female


Please click the appropriate button to indicate your age band:

<15  15-20   21-25  26-30  31-35  36-40  41-50  51-60  61-70  71>

We thank you for taking the time to to help us in our work by completing this form .  Please note, it is important that the sport of sea angling is accessible to all and by carrying out this survey we are complying with our conditions as a Governing Body for Sport.


National Federation of Sea Angler  - NFSA