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Clients | Documentation | Servers

The FreSSH Project
A free SSH1 client and server for Unix

F-Secure SSH
SSH clients and servers for multiple platforms. Free evaluation versions. Supports secure file copying and tunneling.

OpenSSH for Windows
Minimal SSH server and client utilities for Windows which does not require full Cygwin install.

SSH Patch Repository
NCSA's collection of patches for SSH.

IETF Secure Shell (secsh) Working Group
Contact information and papers of a group standardizing the SSH protocol.

OpenSSH on Windows
Port of OpenSSH server and client for Windows.

SSH Communications Security
Extensive information about the SSH protocol. Has a variety of SSH products for sale, including clients, servers, and VPN software.

An open source SSH client and server.

SSH Master FTP Site
Binaries for SSH1 and SSH2 clients and servers for Windows and Unix.

Macintosh | Servers | DOS | Clients | Unix | OS-2 | Windows | Documentation | BeOS
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