QUESTION: Internet marriage agencies publish photo of models to receive
money for the false addresses from lonely Western men. How do I know that
your women are real?
ANSWER: Since the day we started our service we received many letters
with questions and concerns about how men can be sure that our ladies
really exist, that they write letters back themselves, not our managers
and etc. So we decided to set up a LIVE web camera in our office so that
you could see ladies come and go, take their letters and writing you the
answers. We hope that this will be a powerful instrument to increase your
trust in our service. All the girls on this site are actively trying to
find a foreign partner for marriage or a long-term relationship. We ask
all of our ladies, on a regular basis, if they wish to be removed from
our database so we only list the girls who are actively looking for a
QUESTION: There are a lot of free dating services, why should I pay
you for e-mail exchanging with the person I never met. Corresponding with
a Russian woman is just a scam to make me send her money.
ANSWER: Your risk to be scammed by a woman advertising herself at a free
site is huge. We are a legitimate and professional agency and always screen
the ladies. If there are strong proofs that a lady is dishonest, we remove
her immediately. Anyway you won't get a wife for nothing. If you prefer
to correspond with ladies in order to establish an effective contact before
visiting them, you must also be ready for some expenses. Probably, you
would like to send a gift to your lady, or a book about your city/country.
But do not send money to a lady herself.
QUESTION: How can I get lady's address and phone number:
ANSWER: If you are a member then you can retrieve lady's contact information
FREE OF CHARGE if you click on "retrieve address" button on
the lady's profile page. You will be directed to another page where you
may enter your e-mail address and password. If you data are correct you
will receive lady's address and phone number shortly. Members allowed
to get up to 5 addresses per month. Any additional address must be paid
according to our price. You can find it our on "SERVICE" page.
QUESTION: How can I send a letter to lady?
ANSWER: To send a lady a letter, simply go to her profile page and click
on the button that says, "Send me a letter". You will now be
prompted to enter you email address and password. If you have never used
our service, register as a new member and follow the instructions. Once
you have logged in, you can type your letter into the letter box and attached
pictures. When we receive your letter we will forward it to the lady,
translate it, if translation is necessary.
QUESTION: I'm wondering if you could keep me updated when new ladies
join to your agency?
ANSWER: We regularly improve and add more information to the site. We
get new ladies joining us all the time. When we have a sufficient numbers,
we update our database.
QUESTION: Why do the ladies on your site want to find a foreign guy?
ANSWER: The objective reasons why Russians can't make good husbands are
alcohol abuse and their poor health conditions. Both have their roots
in the society life. Women of 18 years old have no problems with finding
appropriate partners of their age, and most of them do. The problems start
later. The society and life conditions push men towards alcohol addiction,
which cause in its turn problems with health. There are, of course, men
who are healthy and take good care of their families, but they usually
get married early and stay married.
QUESTION: How many ladies should I write to, to ensure I get a response?
ANSWER: You should start with about ten ladies you like, write to them
by postal mail if your in no hurry for a reply, or via our mail forwarding
service, if you would like to get a reply more quickly, or can't be bothered
to address and post ten letters in one go. Remember to include a good
photo of yourself. Then sit back and see how it goes, and the number of
replies you get. If you don't get many replies, revise your letter or
expectations accordingly and try again.
QUESTION: I am 53, does this matter?
ANSWER: Although Russian ladies usually get married to considerably older
Western men, it does not mean that they do prefer older husbands. They
just don't mind. The reason why they still go for it is that if a woman
has ventured to look for a foreign match, she wants to have the most she
can get, and financial stability is the most important. It does not come
with men in their 20s - or, at least, they don't think so. Normally
in Russia a woman will marry a man who is 2-5 years older than she. Certainly,
any personal situation is unique. Marriages between older men and young
women always took place in real life, with many of them being stable and
happy. If you are confident about yours and your fiancee feelings and
intentions, nothing should stop you. It is better to regret things
you did than to regret missed opportunities.
QUESTION: Marrying a Russian woman is a difficult and costly exercise,
and one barely will succeed.
ANSWER: When you start thinking about marrying a woman from Russia, you
do not realize how much will it cost you. Making contacts with Russian
ladies truly costs you almost nothing but to marry a Russian girl you
will have to have some spare money. To marry a Russian woman you will
have to have a deal with INS (or another immigration government service
in your country, they all are made of the same s...ubstance). The necessary
requirement is that you have met each other in person before you apply
for a K1 visa for your fiancée. To obtain another type of visa
for a single woman is virtually impossible, and you can spend even more
if you try. So nevertheless which option you have chosen, you will have
to visit Russia one day. A standard tour will cost you something in between
$1500-2000 + expenses for meals, gifts and entertainment. I think you
should not expect to spend less than $3,500-4000. From this point of view,
it's quite stupid to try saving a few bucks on the first stage when you
just buy addresses or advertise yourself overseas. I know many cases when
men returned empty handed and had to start everything from scratch. Quite
expensive failure. Use all opportunities, buy 20 addresses instead of
5, advertise yourself and choose women who meet your requirements 100%
(at least, fit the most important criteria). I believe if you do something
it's worth to be done well. If you understand the importance of making
the right choice on the first stage, and act consciously, step by step,
you will succeed.
QUESTION: I'm interested in a membershp and also want to order one
additional address. Can I pay by registered mail? What are your alternative
method of payment.
ANSWER: For customers who are unable to pay by credit card, we can make
alternative arrangements, including Western Union payments, money order
or check.
QUESTION: I have been surfing your excellent web site and figure the
ladies have an orientation to European and American men, as a single Australian
male will this put me at a disadvantage due to Australians location.
ANSWER: Most of these women don't have any great preference regarding
citizenship. I am sure many would like to be close to home in Europe.
Many are just looking for the right man in which case, location is just
not all that important. I have come across some ladies who expressed a
dislike for American men, just as I have met ladies who have a dislike
for German men, or any other race you care to mention. It's really down
to what sort of guy you are, and what the lady in question is looking
for. Living in one western country provides fairly much the same sort
of opportunities and life style as any other western country, be it America,
England, France, Germany or Australia. You will have no problems as an
QUESTION: I am getting ready to write to some of your ladies, Do they
have to pay to write back to me?
ANSWER: No, the ladies are not charged for replying to you.
QUESTION: What is the point of me sending a letter if I do not know if
she understands English?
ANSWER: The ladies English (German, French etc.) ability is shown on her
profile page (5=Excellent, 0=Poor). If she doesn't speak English, and
you write to her in English she must either translate the letter using
a dictionary, or ask a friend to translate it, if she knows one who can.
This means it takes far longer to get a reply, and she may not even reply
at all. This is why we provide a translation facility with our email forwarding
service. This service is free and does not need additional payment.
QUESTION: What about having the girl I choose come to visit me in Arizona
instead of me going there?
ANSWER: You can only ask her, you have nothing to loose. This is very
unlikely because you will have problems obtaining a visa and the lady
is unlikely to accept if she has never met you.
QUESTION: I have visited your website and am very impressed by your
services. I am VERY interested in working with you. I have learned about
the problems of modern American relationships the hard way, having been
twice married to modern women who were too involved in their careers and
my bank accounts. However, I have not given up on the hope that I will
one day find a woman who will really love me and care for me forever.
ANSWER: One of the reasons why a lot of guys look elsewhere for love.
The thinking in the former USSR is still that of twenty or thirty years
ago, ie you marry your husband for life and look after him. Most Russian
are not really interested in working, but in raising a family.
QUESTION: How do I know if you have letters translated for a lady?
ANSWER: Each lady is given an English ability, from 1 to 5. Only ladies
with ability 4-5 can reliably write and translate their own letters. The
abilities are defined as follows Level 0 - No knowledge. Level 1 - Some
forgotten knowledge from school or university. Level 2 - Understands written
text with help of dictionary. Level 3 - Understands written text with
some help of dictionary can write a little or speak on the phone a little.
Level 4 - Understands written text, can write and speak on the phone (almost
no communication barrier). Level 5 - Fluent language ability.
QUESTION: I would like to arrange a live webcam conference chat with
your client. What it takes?
ANSWER: Send your e-mail with request to and
tell us what time is most suitable for you to be online. We will contact
the lady and arrange it for you. We allow two chat sessions per month.
Each chat session duration is 1 hour. You may order an additional session
if send your request to the address we gave above. We charge $1 per minute
for live webcam conference.