Reads Supports Literacy
In addition to promoting the joys of reading, Canada Reads
works with the publishers of our shortlisted books to support
literacy. This year, they are Cormorant Books, McClelland
& Stewart, Random House, University of Toronto Press and
Women's Press.
They generously have agreed to donate copies of our five titles, which will be sent by Canada Reads to select libraries across the country. When our panelists cast their votes in February, additional copies of the final book for Canada Reads 2005 also will be sent to libraries.
The publishing companies also have agreed that the company representing the final Canada Reads title will donate a portion of sales proceeds to The Movement for Canadian Literacy (MCL).
MCL is a national, non-profit organization which represents organizations and individuals which support literacy from every province and territory. Since 1978, it has been a national voice for this important cause through its work in the following areas:
- by informing the federal government and the general public about issues related to adult literacy in Canada;
- by providing a national forum for provincial and territorial literacy organizations to work together to ensure that every Canadian has access to quality literacy education;
- by strengthening the adult student’s voice in Canada
- by supporting the development of a strong movement of people and arganizations involved with adult literacy education.
For more information visit
the MCL website
Reads and the CNIB
Three million Canadians Canadians are blind or visually impaired
and require books in an alternative format such as Braille
or audio to be able to read. Thankfully, the CNIB
Library is there to help, to ensure that all of Canada
is able to read.
The Canada Reads web team is striving to make this website
as accessible as possible.
does not endorse and is not responsible for the content
of external sites - links will open in a new window.