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Internet Marketing
and Web Design
SEO Tools
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To achieve these high rankings we utilize "on-page" optimization, and "off page" optimization.

On-Page Optimization

Keyword analysis, keyword density analysis, site structure, and other On Page Optimization techniques. We can do the work or offer you a step-by-step report.

Off-Page Optimization

"Who Links to You"
This is the largest factor to ranking high in places like Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

Need Places to Link to You?

Link Building Services
We get relevant one way links on a continual basis.

Directory Submission Services
We submit your site to up to 60 Quality Web Directories.

Buy Text Link Advertisements
Links from Authority sites can be very beneficial.

Additional SEO Services

Press Releases
Your news means exposure and links. Don't miss out!

Internet Marketing Consulting
Report, phone or in-person consultation.

Pay Per Click (PPC) Consulting
We offer the best in the business for PPC Consulting.

Shopping Feed Submissions
Bizrate,, Froogle. Vertical marketing can help E-commerce sites.

Local Marketing
Targeting your local area can help bring in relevant clients.

Need SEO Content?
Targeted one of a kind search engine friendly content.

Need a New Website?

Website Templates
Fast and cost effective way to get a website. Choose from thousands of designs.

Simple Web Design Jobs
$500 website's.

Custom Website Design Services
$1500 non E-commerce

Sell Online using E-Commerce
$1500 and up E-commerce sites.

Our FREE Internet Marketing Tools

WBP Tool #9
Find Backlink domains, IP's and the age of a website.

Top Ten Rankings Analyzer
(Our own Tool #5)

Page Reporter
In depth website analysis tool.


Website Usability Analysis
Own an E-commerce website? Obtain a Website Usability Analysis to assist in understanding how to maximize your conversions.

Website Hosting Resources
Find a list of hosting companies to fit your needs.

Search Engine Resources
For those of you who are Search Engine Junkies.

Marketing Tools Store
Find the tools that the experts use.

Contact We Build Pages Today

Contact Us

Ph: 518-270-0854

Fax: 866-303-8266

Internet Marketing Consulting Costs

Consulting will be with either Jim Boykin or Todd Malicoat our internet marketing specialists.

  • Choice 1 - $200 One hour consultation with no prior preparation. Our specialists will run reports on your site and talk with you over the phone at the same time.
  • Choice 2 - $500 One hour consultation with prior preparation. Send us your URL along with your goals ahead of time and we'll research and run several reports so when you call you will be able to view the reports and discuss in more detail specific techniques that can be done to improve your website traffic and rankings.

For one hour our specialists will consult with you on:

  • Your site's history
  • Your site's present situation
  • Your site's potential, and methods to reach your potential

If you want more than one hour of consultation, our rate is $200 per hour.

If after speaking with Jim or Todd for one hour you feel that you didn't learn your money's worth of valuable information then we will refund you the entire fee.

Shopping around? If you don't know what is possible, and what it Really takes, you can't effectively shop around. Let our consultants educate you, and turn you loose to shop around. When you come back and sign with us, we'll subtract your initial consultation fee from your first bill.

Contact us to schedule an hour of Internet Marketing Consulting

YOU ROCK JIM! I took the advice you gave me at SES Chicago and made the changes
you recommended to our website. You said it would take a little more than one month for the
updates to take affect, so I stuck with it and didn't make any additional tweaks even though our
rank went down. I just checked our rankings after Google's latest update and we're number 4
for "[**Edited**"]!!! I have never been able to position us on the first page before, always the second or third. We're also first page for most related sub-terms. THANK YOU! In the amount of
time it took me to smoke a cigarette you optimized my on-page content, and gave linking advice, and it worked beautifully.
I can't wait to get out there and learn more from you.

**Actual competitive phrase removed

Off Page Optimization Services (Getting your site Links)

Once you have spoken with one of our specialists for one hour it may be suggested that an aggressive Internet Marketing Campaign be performed. Costs usually range around $1000 to several thousand dollars per month.

Explanation of Internet Advertising Costs (Getting your site links)
Starting price is a minimum of $1000 per month for a "slightly competitive" market. The more "competitive" the keywords you wish to target, the more resources we may need on a monthly basis. After speaking with Jim or Todd, you will have an idea of how competitive your market is, and you will have an idea of what needs to be done. You will also have an idea of why our services are unique to our industry, and how by working with us, you will have a better chance of reaching or exceeding your goals.

Your payment must be thought of as an investment - that's exactly what it is. You're giving us time and resources to do what needs to be done for optimal rankings. Our prices are real, and so are our services. We've been in business since March 1999, and since then we've ranked more than a few sites #1 for extremely competitive phrases. This is what we are best at, and what we love doing. See some of the rankings we've achieved along with some testimonials.

If you're serious about the ranking you want, and and the amount of resources you will invest in working to obtain that, then start by setting up a one hour phone consultation (see top of page) with Jim. You'll find out:

  • What are the best keywords phrases to target and why (You thought you knew)
  • Why those in the top spots are there now
  • Who your competition is (and who to look out for)
  • What it will take to beat your competition (and how to do it)
  • Money Back Guarantee if you're not satisfied with the information provided

If you Sign up for any of our Off Page Optimization programs we will give you a 5 page on-page optimization report for your site for FREE (we normally charge $1000 for this report - see below).

Need a Lot of Good Relevant Links?
We sell relevant advertising links by the Hundreds....but it's not an overnight process. It takes Months to obtain these One-Way Advertising Links. Our speciality is going out and getting those links. If you know you need links in the Hundreds, Talk to us.

Need Some Help to Raise Your Link Popularity??
We offer Powerful links that may assist your link popularity that cost between $100 and $1000 per month per link. We only offer this service to clients who are also obtaining off-page optimization services. Ask about our availability of sites that may assist your link popularity after you have signed up for one of our linking campaigns.

On Page Search Engine Optimization Services

After you have spoken with us, and your site has been analyzed, it may be suggested that you get a on-page search engine optimization report.

A budget of $250 to $2500 can get you On Page Optimization.

Web Page Optimization On-Page Factors can be done two different ways.
This first method involves you giving us FTP so we can go right in and optimize your pages. The second method is having us prepare mock-ups of your optimized pages, complete with instructions to you or your webmaster specifically outlining each recommended change. This is provided in a report format.

Prices depend on # of pages you wish to have optimized, and if you require reports as well.

1 Page Web Page Optimization
Give us FTP and let us do it for $250 (no report)
or On Page Optimization Report showing recommend changes $500

5 Pages of Web Page Optimization
Give us FTP and let us do it for $700 (no report)
or On Page Optimization Report showing recommend changes $1000

10 Pages of Web Page Optimization
Give us FTP and let us do it for $1200 (no report)
or On Page Optimization Report showing recommend changes $2500

Site-wide Optimization:

  • Site-wide changes (no report) as many pages as we can do in 20 hours for $3000
  • Site-wide Report including 10 pages web page optimization report $3000

Optimization work usually takes 2-4 weeks to complete.

Time it takes to see top rankings

The amount of time it takes to see "great" rankings depends on several factors. Some of the factors are:

  • How many links your competitors have
  • How many links your site currently has
  • How well optimized your website is
  • How long your site has been established
  • What you competitors have are far as site size, optimization, and how aggressive they are
  • How aggressive your site is in obtaining new links

The simple answer is "Months". This is an Investment into the future of your website.

See some of the keyword phrases that we've targeted

Contact us to schedule an hour of Internet Marketing Consulting


View our homepage for information on our Online Marketing and Internet Marketing Services.

SEO Services:
On Page SEO Services
- Text Link Advertising - Our Link Popularity Style - Web Directories - Buy Text Links - Press Releases

Website Design:
Website Design Services
- Website Templates - Express Design - Premium Design - Sell Online - Website Designers Directory

Website Usability Analysis - Search Engine Resources - Marketing Store - Website Hosting Resources

SEO Free Tools Built by We Build Pages:
WBP Tool #5
- WBP Tool #9 - Page Reporter - One Way Link Verify - More SEO Tools

See our Contract
- Read our Testimonials - View our Rankings - About Us - Site Map - Contact Us

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