This hilarious animated comedy series from Mike Judge, the creator of BEAVIS AND BUTTHEAD, stars Judge himself as the voice of Hank Hill, the well-intentioned but misguided patriarch of the Hill family. A propane salesman by trade, he and his wife, Peggy, their son Bobby, and adopted niece Luann live in the ficticious Arlen, TX. There, Hank enjoys drinking beer with his friends, and tries to set a good example for his son as to what constitutes a "real man." Peggy is the voice of reason in his life, while the inarticulate Boomhauer, the paranoid Dale, and ex-military barber Bill, often wind up leading him astray. This season features Dale's foray into becoming a bounty hunter, a faux wedding between Bobby and Luann, Bobby proving to be an unmanly hunter on a deerhunting trip, and Peggy confounding people with her magic tricks. Guest appearances by Matthew McConaughey, Dwight Yoakam, Billy Bob Thornton, Pauly Shore, and Mary Tyler Moore. |