Emergency calls:
Ambulance: | 104 |
Fire Department: | 105 |
Police: | 107
International emergency call centre: | 112 |
The above phone numbers can be called free of charge.
Hungarian Automobile Club's Emergency Phone: | 188 |
Tourinform Tourist Information (non-stop): | 438-8080 |
Further information on public roads:
Information on public roads - Útinform: | 322-22-38 (non-stop), 322-70-52, 322-76-43 |
Information on traffic in Budapest - Fõvinform: | 317-11-73 (non-stop) |
Airport information:
Airline Information (Arrival and Departure Times) 2A Terminal:
Arrival: | 296-8000 |
Departure: | 296-7000 |
Airline Information (Arrival and Departure Times) 2B Terminal:
Arrival: | 296-5052 |
Departure: | 296-5882 |
Special Numbers:
Domestic Directory Assistance: | 198 |
International Directory assistance: | 199 |
The four steps of a successful call:
- Pick up the receiver or press the speaker button.
- Wait for the dial tone.
- Dialing:
- Dial the telephone number for a local call (local telephone numbers contain 7 digits in Budapest and 6 digits outside of Budapest.
- For a domestic call, dial 06, wait for the long distance dial tone, then dial the area code and the telephone number without pauses. (The area code of Budapest is 1, the rest of the country has two-digit area codes)
- For an international call dial 00, wait for the international dial tone, then dial the country code, the area code and the telephone number without pauses.
- When you have finished the call stop the pulse counter by putting back the receiver carefully or by setting off the external speaker.