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November 17, 2004

SEO Zip Forums

A new kid on the SEO block is SEO Zip Forums, which is making its mark as a debut SEO forum amongst the miriad that already exist. Owned and operated by Nandini and SEOBook "Aaron Wall", the forum is like a small family community, where everybody gets help, even the professionals. Most of the time, many would be posters are to intimidated by the larger forums as the knowledge base is generally quite high, and a simple question may be regarded as a useless question. Well, most forums try not to do that, though it does just come across that way at times. Not at SEO Zip though.

The best forum IMO are the small one's, the one's in which you have a good degree of knowledge and expertise, though its not over the top and you don't need a math degree to follow the conversation. If you want a good time and feel part of a warm search engine optimization community, then the best time is now, get in and start posting. Ask your questions, get the feel for other regulars and in no time at all, your confidence will grow, along with your knowledge base for SEO.

I post there more than my own forum. Sad ha? Though mine isn't really based like SEO Zip, mine is more a personal forum for me to answer people exclusively. My recommendations, SEO Zip has the 5 star stamp off approval. Give praise when praise is due, and its due for this effort. Congrats Nandini and Aaron on such a great forum, and I look forward too it becoming a big hit. You both deserve it.

Posted by Anthony at November 17, 2004 02:39 PM


I think I read this a while ago but forgot to say thanks.
thanks mate :)

really appreciate all the awesome posts your making over there too.
happy holidays

Posted by: aaron wall at December 21, 2004 06:24 PM

Thanks Anthony,
Its really nice of you to say such sweet words. Actually without you we could have never gained so much popularity.

Best Regards

Posted by: Nandini Maheshwari at December 21, 2004 06:25 PM

Thanks guys for the warm words. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you both. Great job on that forum and I have no problem advertising it for you. It deserves it.

Posted by: Anthony at December 21, 2004 08:37 PM

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