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Nimrodel title
tree at night

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Mae govannen, mellon-Welcome, friend, to Nimrodel, named after the Lady of the White Grotto, an elven princess of the second age in Middle Earth, who lost her love and her way but enriched the race of men.  My website reflects a life long love for the works of J.R.R. Tolkien, in particular The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings and the Simarillion, unending fascination with his created languages, mainly Sindarin Elvish, and a new found interest in creating Lord of the Rings costumes and props after stumbling on the Lord of the Rings Costume Research site White Tree of Gondor

I also display the White Tree of Gondor, to represent the humans of Middle Earth, being of the race of men myself.   You can read more about this tree on my "legends" page.

I share my costumes and designs with all free peoples and creatures, asking only that you give me credit where due, and use for personal use.  Costume design and suggestions, both from the movies by Peter Jackson, and my own interpretations from the books and other sites, of which there are many, will be credited in the Costumes section.  I welcome contact and discussion from costumers, whether Lord of the Rings or historical, on which many of the movie costumes are based, and those similarly devoted to Tolkien’s books and the Elvish languages.


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White Tree of Gondor
Elven Verse
Legend and Song of Eärendil

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The costumes on this site have been created by my studying the costumes from Lord of the Rings movies and books and are my own designs.  It is not affiliated with Tolkien Enterprises, Tolkien Estate or New Line Cinema.  I follow strict Copyright guidelines for all photos, artwork and text appearing on this site. Original authors maintain their copyright for all photos, artwork and text.  Additional original material is copyright © 2003 by

Graphic design of this site and its maintenance is provided by Crystal Cloud Graphics in conjunction with Elysium Gates Web Hosting.  The graphics on this page are for the exclusive usage of the owner of this site and cannot be used elsewhere without her permission.  To contact the webmistress e-mail:


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