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"I'll Make Your Toes Curl"
30 years old Male
living in United States, Ohio, Dayton
looking for Female.
Appearance I am 6' 2" tall. My body style is average. I have blue eyes. I have red hair. Origin I was born in United States. My ethnicity is white. I am non-religious. Personal I trying to quit smoking. I drink socially. I have and live with children. My income is $25,000 to $50,000 a year. More about me i have 3 daughters, which i have sole custody of. I wake up every morning at 3:15 get 3 little girls ready for the babysitters, go to work, pick up the girls, go home and cook dinner, read stories, give bathes, brush hair, brush teeth,and make bottles and sippy cups, put in bed. oh this was supposed to be about me. well, i don't have time for me much anymore. I wouldn't change anything though. to my girls!!! all right I'm honest and loyal. The 2 most important things to me. I have never cheated on a woman and never will. No i'm not old fashioned and uptight. I am a little freaky. "Once you go RED, you won't get out of BED" I like all types of woman. no racial boundaries for me what-so-ever. White Black pink green i don't care. i Don't know what i want other than just to meet someone new and wait. My heart was broken about a year ago. After you have 3 kids with someone you kinda just see yourself with that person forever. But, she chose drugs over her family, and i chose my kids over her. OUT |
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